New addition to the family...


VT Hokie
Brought him home Monday afternoon.

A couple on Pirate4x4 found the little guy on the side of the road Saturday night and took him home. They couldn't keep him so they let everyone know that they were looking for a home for him. Luckily I was in the mood for a gorgeous puppy. I've been wanting a dog for a while and this all worked out perfectly. He's adorable as all get up, smart and follows me everywhere. He's a little Australian Shepherd and he's about 2 months old.

Anyway, his name is Tucker and he's passed out under my desk right now.






Well, You Done Did Good!. He's established his napping location and soon will establish that chewing on Wires is NOT A GOOD past time. Good looking Pup!

Welcome Tucker...Looks like he is going to fit right in :D He's beatiful!

How can someone just leave him on the side of the road....:(
Great Puppy, congrats

Remember to buy lots of chew toys as they tend to chew anything when they become bored.
Thats awsome. I dont understand why someone would dump that little feller off. But way to go for taking care of it.