neverending snow....


In Virginia, we've got a ton of snow right now. I personally love snow, and love not having to go to work even more.


Me and the wife have been inside the house for going on four days. Already run out of beer, and the liqour is going quick.... we'll be at each other's throats in no time.[addsig]

Big - LMAO...the skiis and the outfit are definitely bright!!! I've heard that about Texans being badmouthed especially in Colorado....oh well, I'm not really a Texan, still consider myself a Michigander!! :-D A couple of friends are heading to NM for a ski trip in March...not sure if I can swing it though!![addsig]


we ended up with 1.5" of ice with 14" of snow on top. it was rather nice til i had to shovel the driveway. [addsig]

Is it all white and flourescent? LOL. You can come to New Mexico to ski, just don't tell anyone you're a texan. For some reason the people here talk crud on texans.

LOL thats for sure hehe.[addsig]

Quinn: Well, I hope they can find some snow, because there aint much left. Santa Fe closed the top half of the mountain due to the ski lift being broken. As far as being from Michigan, well then you're welcome to come to New Mexico as long as you're a Redwings fan! Oh ya, your Jeep is sweet and your daughter is so adorable![addsig]