Need help, where do i find parts for a u bolt yoke conv. ?


New member
Damn, so i am climbing some really sketchy stuff this afternoon, and I get over the worst part, lose a little traction in some soft ground and the rear driveshaft lets loose!!! We get to looking thinking just the u joint broke, but instead one of the screws that bolts the strap in place sheared off and let the strap go. So i pull the driveshaft, do my best to plug up the tcase and cruise her home in 4hi (i know thats not ideal, but had no other choice). So now, i have screw stuck in the hole, i figured i would just drill it out and do a ubolt conv.... What do u guys think? Where can i find the parts? Thanks guys, lane

yup, you can do that, you just need to go to a parts store and get a ubolt for a 72-75 drive shaft and drill out the old screw holes, and i belive you are good today...
Thank u sir for the quick reply!! will just any old shucks or napa work? and if i am gonna replace the ujoints i should put spicer in right? what kind and where is the best place to get them? Dealer? Thanks again far right, and sorry to bombard everybody with so many questions, but no one i wheel with is very knowledgable, they almost left me up in the woods cause they were tired of waiting!!! guess they didnt know what true wheeling was!!! Lane
i would just go to your napa and ask for them, they should know what you want. second on the joints i run precision joints, and while not as good as spicer they are very close, and if you keep em lubed they should last as long as spicer joints.... and if you go to napa, and ask for precision you will get napa joints.... they are both the same, one is just packeged diffrent for napa...

well, i will be swinging into napa tommorrow morning, hopefully this will work out. Thanks again for the reply.
for the first year of owning my jeep.. i carried an easy out and a cordless drill in my took kit JUST for that reason... i used them a lot

I had that happen about a week after I bought my jeep. I just bought new bolts but the heads are a little big so it will be prone to do the same thing. I ordered new straps from quadratec they should be here tomarow. They were like $2.50 apiece plus shipping. You can also get a kit that comes with a new yolk from Randy's ring and Pinion I think. If it is not a CJ I know Mepco has them but they are pricey.
buyin parts like ujount ubolts from qtec escapes my mind, why pay more for a part, and then have to ship it when you can go to your local napa/bumper to bumper ect, and buy the same part for less than 2 bucks...

Wheelin in Eastern N.C. sells the replacement yoke for the D35 that uses the u-bolts instead of the strap setup. The u-bolt yoke is the better way to go than just drilling out the stock yoke.

Try this instead of using an EZout. Try tapping the sheared bolt with a center punch or small screwdriver and it may turn, backing out enough to get pliers or vice grips on it. I used to cut across the flat face of the yoke with a hacksaw, cutting a perfect notch in the broken bolt that would then back all the way out with a screwdriver. This doesn't harm the yoke or weaken it.

You should replace the yoke once you blow one or two u-joints, they start to get wollered out :twisted:
I didnt blow the u joint for some weird reason, the bolt securing the strap into the yoke sheared off and let the driveshaft go. I am going to just drill the holes for now, and if that fails I will take your advice bounty and get the u bolt yoke. But everyone I have talked to have had no problems with their factory yokes, but only time will tell. I am going to try your back out method on that screw instead of trying to drill it out. I will let u know how it goes, thanks to all.
Even though the strap bolt broke, check the edges of the cup where the u-joint cap sits, make sure it's not worn where the u-joint came out. If it is, it will happen again.

Ok, I will inspect that tommorrow when I go to work on it. If so should I order a new u bolt yoke? Doesnt that require some special work to change because of the bearings and such?