National Topless Day

Who is the dummy who made it in the beginning of Feb one of the coldest months?

haha, thats the point, if it was a warm day, your tops would already be off. 25 degrees here, we drove for a good 3 hours probably. we didnt go for the points for minimal clothing, way too cold for 3 hours. my two buddies caught the jeep bug i think, they were standin up waving at all the other jeeps:lol: well, heres a few of my pics, i tried to get the doors off but all it did when i tried to lift them off was lift the whole jeep:x i tried gettin thm off a couple months ago, nothin then too. anyway here are a few pics:lol:


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yea, some guy made it up last year apparently, not sure who though. i just got my jeep a few months ago, so i really was just lookin for an excuse to take it off cuz i only had it off a couple times when i first got it in late september