My Moab ordeal


Super Moderator
The planning stage.

As I sit here this early morning with the keys to my Jeep in hand and the thoughts of Moab running through my head I reflect over the last few days.
Maybe inviting my work-mate/friend Tim to go along with his Jeep might not have been such a wonderful idea.
Tim is a Ret. Staff Sergeant from the army who served the United States and us the people for over 20 years. The problem is the Army has trained this man to a fine edge, too fine for my civilian thinking.
It all started last week when I went over to hash out our menu for the 6 days we are staying in Kamp Krusty (Kane Creek camp-resort). When I arrived with a scrap of paper and a chewed on pencil to draw up this list Tim had three folders waiting for us.
With a look of what the heck? I opened mine to find a detailed list of things to buy, things to bring including a detailed list of clothes to bring!
Then we had our little war meeting! Tim instructed me on everything on my list( like I couldn’t read) and had me put little checks next to the iteams on the list as we talked about them (actually he informed us in that drill sergeant voice). Man I thing the US military programmed this mad man.
Over the next week I completed those items and re-checked them off the list incase he wanted to see it to make sure I did them!( don’t want to hear that drill sergeant voice again!)
Well loading day has come…I hooked the ole quad trailer to the Jeep and threw in my camping stuff to a some what disorganized load…hey its camping gear right?
Well all I had to do is drive over to Tim’s, get his gear and be home in an hour.
Wrong! My loading technique wasn’t up to military standards…well everything had to come out and Tim loaded mine, his and Pat’s his co-pilot/spotter to a trim and proper load. Now I have been known to bring a few extra things along to make camping easier…but a full roll of parachute cork?!? What the heck for? (Don’t ask this article isn’t long enough to fill out his reasons)
My little 16 foot trailer is loaded to the gills with MRE’s, cases of ammo and three tactical nuclear war head’s! Mountains of rope and climbing equipment… ok not a mountain but a half rack and two seats.
Now came my time to escape! As I grinned and tried to say my fair wells Tim used that voice …( am I supposed to salute him?).
A thorough inspection of my Jeep as given…white gloves and all! All tires were checked for air pressure (spare included), and even a free lube job!
That voice again! God I need to find that man a hobby.
A cracked bushing on the upper control arm! Oh no it’s the firing squad for me!
Out come the tools and a new bushing is in place with a stern warning not to let this happen again!
When Tim slipped inside to use the latrine I beat a hastily retreat and made tracks for home.
Now I sit here and think oh god what have I gotten myself into…all I wanted was a six day trip into the wilds of Moab.
Tomorrow morning is launch time 0630 hours and I better not be late!

P.S. I am taking a lap top along to continue this story and will post it when I get back since I am sure if I leak information on our where abouts and covert activites I will face the firing squad.
Private Utah,

I know the type. (Chuckle)


Enjoy the trip with General Tim.




Sounds like a need for a sever case of friendly fire! hehehehehehe tug