My Jeep won't go into 4WD!!


New member
:( I just recently bought a 1988 Cherokee Laredo and every time I try to pull on the lever to go into 4WD it won’t move. I pulled so hard that I almost bent the lever. Has anyone ever had this problem or know how to fix it. Anything would help.

you bent the lever inside or the linkage underneath? have you tried unhooking the linkage and moving the lever on the T-case manually? if the lever on the T-case won't move, you may need a rebuild.
The lever shifts freely when I disconnect it. I tried hammering the rod connecting to the transfer case but it won't move. What could be stuck, and how is it stuck?
richb420 said:
The lever shifts freely when I disconnect it. "But have you crawled under the jeep and shifted the transfer case manualy?"I tried hammering the rod connecting to the transfer case but it won't move. What could be stuck, and how is it stuck?
"Be ez with that hammer or you will really monkey sum thun up"
As for what is stuck you are just going to have to get under there and look it over. Place your hand on all the moven parts and look what they are suppost to do. You will find the problem pretty quick I would say. Just hard to figure it out fomr here. Good luck best wishes and happy hunting. tug


I am thinking of dropping the transfercase. Is it a difficult job? Should I have it taken to someone to rebuild it? The link that is connected to the transfer case does not move at all.
if you're not too mechanically inclined, take it to a transmission shop.. most will give free estimates.
I´ve had mine stick, pretty good on occasion. I´m not a small guy and I´ve pulled till my face truned blue. Shifting the transmission from drive, to neutral then reverse, while jiggleing and pulling, seemed to work sooner or later. The good news is, when you get it to work, it will generally work easier the next time.

My T-case shifter has gotten temporarily stuck in 2HI if I haven't used it in awhile. Doing what MudderChuck suggested seemed to help. Sometimes It would then stick a little in 4HI, but after a couple of shifts, it would shift fine again :mrgreen:

-Nick :!: