Malibu Canival

Never had much trouble from the California Highway Patrol. Was usually yes sir, no sir, get your ticket, be on your way and let the AAA pay your fine. The City Cops, where sometimes kind of a pain, but most times, tolerable. The Ventura County Police were pretty much, a bunch of good ole boys.
But after my run in with the L.A. County Sheriffs, I´d see red a lot. And most anytime I´d see one, I´d mentaly imagine a set of cross hairs about crotch high. I often think, many police do more damage than good.
They talk about the Germans being fascists and such. I see a German Cop about once a week. pay twenty dollar fine, for driving 7 over the posted limit, once about every five years. Was pulled over once for a street check, I think in 1994. Checked my registration and told me to have a nice evening.
I know a whole lot of guys, that left So. Cal, just because they were fed up with, being hassled by the police. The police, probably ran off all of the meek ones and what they´re left with,are the ones, that will fight back, are constantly stoned or planning to leave soon. Doesn´t really make for a stable, balanced society.

no body ever likes the cops out here the only things they do are give you tickets and arrest u for doing nothing!!!!!! :evil: :evil: