if you upgraded to an axle that can take the abuse, then I would strongly suggest a full carrier detriot locker, I've been beating on mine for a very long time, they have been used since the early 80's in factory producted vehicles so they are tried and true, but expensive. a lunch box locker will surfice, I suggest Aussie lockers, of all the lunch box lockers, it is the best in my opinion, and least inexpensive. it is a little on the loud side, but who cares.
as for the I have a D35 and 35" tires and lockers stuff, I also whel with people with that setup, it will work, but just not very long. the D35 has a lot in inherant problems that jst don't make it a great axle to work with. Very Small case (it is what linmits your gear selection) small pinion, really small ring gear, c-clip shafts, small 27 spline shafts, poor tube rigidity (axle likes to flex where the tubes are held into the carrier due to be fairly thin compared to other axles). Even with a truss and a Super 35 kit, still have lots of small components that just can't handle wheeling.