Lifted VS Stock


New member

Pro and Cons? How far can you get in a stock jeep. Does a lift make you a better wheeler. Can a trail leader lead the pack in a stock jeep with bigger jeeps behind him. Is it all in the driver or is it all in the trails you choose to take. Just wanted to hear from you stock guys and you lifted guys.

Real Jeeps Are Built Not Bought! [addsig]


First of all, there is no replacement for an experienced driver. No matter how big of a jeep you drive, if you can't drive it well, it might as well be stock. THe advantages of a lift are.....

CLEARANCE: It is one of the most important words for the jeeper.... when on the trail, you are going to encounter some obstacles that you are going to need to drive over, and in doing so, your jeep needs to be high enough so that it doesnt scrape or hit the obstacle (i.e large rock or log etc). That is why we don't off road in a ford taurus, it wouldnt be long before you hit a stump. The extra clearance that a lift provides you with will allow you to maneuver over more rough terrain, without fear of damage. Also, lift allows you to fit bigger tires, and the bigger your tires, the larger the obstacles you can climb over. you can do some 4-wheeling in a stock Jeep to a degree.... at some point if your going to want to really do some jeeping, you going to need a lift.

and NO.... a lift does not make you a better wheeler, but when you get to know your jeep and how it handles with a lift, that makes you a better wheeler.

Typically a trail leader must know the trail he is leading everyone on. He must be experienced, and he should be able to winch people when they get in trouble. No he doesnt have to have the BIGGEST jeep, but i don't think you will ever find one with a stock jeep.

edited by: DirtDevil, May 06, 2003 - 04:21 AM[addsig]

each trail has a different degree of requirements... some trails, a stocker will do just great... and a built jeep will do just as well, but it might not be required... in that case, the driver determines the ranking... but... there is the obvious situation of obstacles... if you need X inches to get over an obstacle, and a stock jeep has one inch less than X.. then a lifted jeep will succeed better[addsig]

I used to wheel the hell out of my jeep when it was stock. When I bought it I had the mentality of being unstoppable (also the fact that I am 21 yrs old hehe). Anyway my first day of having the jeep I took it wheeling along with my friend in his jeep and almost immediately got high centered going over some rough stuff. I was like hmm...oh well. My friend pushed my jeep off with his and we continued on. The though hung in my mind and so I wheeled my stocker more and saved my pennies.

Now I have a 4" suspension lift and 31's. Let me tell you this I can go a LOT more places than my friend can in his stock jeep. We don't do much wheeling together anymore I guess because I show him up too much hehe (mainly we both work all the time so we have little free time). Stuff that he scrapes and snags on I just bounce right over. I don't think that a lift will make you a better wheeler...the only thing that will do that is EXPERIENCE.

For the most part I think wheeling in my stock jeep was sometimes a bit more fun because I actually had to work my way around obstacles instead of just easily climbing right over them. Of course there really isn't too much close around my area that can put my lifted jeep to the challenge. I need to head on up to the mountains so I can find some better places to wheel.[addsig]


I think by now your all sick of seeing my stocker pics, but if your interested J, drop me a line and I'll set you up with a link to my online album.

:p :cool: :) [addsig]

I think by now your all sick of seeing my stocker pics, but if your interested J, drop me a line and I'll set you up with a link to my online album.

:p :cool: :)
Dude, What does that have to do with this post :evil: [addsig]


lift, locked, or stock, a Jeep is a Jeep[addsig]

I'm afraid that ill lift mine too much and make it too easy to flip. I've come close too many times with my 2.5" lift and am planning on doing an SOA this summer so I guess I'll have to go with super wide tires. :-D :-D [addsig]

The pros about a stock jeep: Tires are cheap,better gas milege, and more aerodynamic. You can get in and out easy,and your wife or girlfriend looks cute in one! :evil: [addsig]


Hey y'all :) I've been with the board for awhile, and ya think I woulda learned how to express my thoughts lol. Yes the post was to show what a stocker is capible of. I am never afraid to abuse my stocker and she always gets me home. Even though I'm in process of lifting her (lotta rocks and rough terrain around here) my fondest memories will be of how she and I "grew" up together lol.
The point is, a stock Jeep is a GREAT way to break into the off roading scene. If your thing is to hit some mild trails with some small hill climbs,



or a little water,


or some mud


the stock Jeep (on GSA's lol) will do just fine. The major factors are takin your time, gaining experiance, and knowin' when to say when.

Rob :p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, May 06, 2003 - 11:17 PM[addsig]

It really all depends on how much offroading you do compared to how much street driving you do. A lift will help you offroad, but you cant take turns as fast as a stock jeep. It also depends on how much you plan on going over hills. I live in florida where is is almost completely flat, so i realy dont need articulation. I would rather go with new and longer shackles and a body lift to put on bigger tires, but if you like hills a spring lift is for you. And of course, a better driver will go futher than one that sucks. [addsig]

It really all depends on how much offroading you do compared to how much street driving you do. A lift will help you offroad, but you cant take turns as fast as a stock jeep. It also depends on how much you plan on going over hills. I live in florida where is is almost completely flat, so i realy dont need articulation. I would rather go with new and longer shackles and a body lift to put on bigger tires, but if you like hills a spring lift is for you. And of course, a better driver will go futher than one that sucks. [addsig]


It really all depends on how much offroading you do compared to how much street driving you do. A lift will help you offroad, but you cant take turns as fast as a stock jeep. It also depends on how much you plan on going over hills. I live in florida where is is almost completely flat, so i realy dont need articulation. I would rather go with new and longer shackles and a body lift to put on bigger tires, but if you like hills a spring lift is for you. And of course, a better driver will go futher than one that sucks. [addsig]

It really all depends on how much offroading you do compared to how much street driving you do. A lift will help you offroad, but you cant take turns as fast as a stock jeep. It also depends on how much you plan on going over hills. I live in florida where is is almost completely flat, so i realy dont need articulation. I would rather go with new and longer shackles and a body lift to put on bigger tires, but if you like hills a spring lift is for you. And of course, a better driver will go futher than one that sucks. [addsig]

Dude, What does that have to do with this post

It has much to do with this post! It is the fact that a stocker is a right out of the box a very capabale way to get out and have fun off road. I can not think of anything that can be made better with a mod or two and that is to include your attitude. This is not a personal attack on you Dude just a point. You have not been the most likeable person that I have meet around here. Just my two cents! :evil:

PASmokeater is one of the Jeepers around here that puts alot into this board and has posted pics many times and has added much to anything that he has been a part of around here. He has done more off roading in his stock TJ than many members around here in Great Big Ol Jeeps!

Stock is not a choice to many just a reality. If you do not have the extra funds to do all the mods that you dream and wish for, you use what you have. You learn your limitations and you deal with them. If you can't get over a hump you find a way to go around or ask for help in a stocker.

In a Highly Modified Jeep You learn your limitations and you deal with them. If you can't get over a hump you find a way to go around or ask for help in a Highly Modified Jeep. It is all relative!

In the end you just take what you got, and you use to the limit! Never look down on a Lesser Jeep you never know when you will need one to pull you out! Tug


Tug, his post did not say anything about the subject. I realize what he meant now, but his post made no sense. I think your all a great bunch of guys on this site. I'm just having a little fun. Just my two cents! :evil:

If you can afford a digital camera, you should be able to get a small lift and some fresh rubber.
But then again, I don't even now how to put a picture on this site! :evil: [addsig]

It's GSPOTRACING homey, and little butt kissing never hurts. "SPORTO"
Isn't it about 420 right now! :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :evil: [addsig]


Pro and Cons? How far can you get in a stock jeep. Does a lift make you a better wheeler. Can a trail leader lead the pack in a stock jeep with bigger jeeps behind him. Is it all in the driver or is it all in the trails you choose to take. Just wanted to hear from you stock guys and you lifted guys.

Let's be honest guys, stock sucks! If we all had the cash are jeepz would not be stock.... :evil: [addsig]