Let There be Friggin Light!! (on the dashboard)


New member

Howdy, Peeps...

Today, I managed to finally get behind the dashboard to see if i could figure out why my dashboard and gauge lights have never worked since i bought my jeep...

After loosening the hard top, flipping down the window, removing all the bolts, and getting myself nice and dirty in the process, i could finally see the rats nest of wiring behind the dashboard.

According to the schematics in my Haynes repair manual, i was supposed to look for orange wires coming from each of the gauges... check.

Next i traced them all to make sure they were connected... check..

Now comes the confusing part... From this point, i couldnt really tell just how the orange wire gets back to the fuse box I tried to track it, but it disappears into the harness....

So now i'm trying to approach this from the other angle, I figure that the dashboard lights MUST be connected to the dimmer... The only problem is locating which one of the oddball wires coming out is for the dashboard.

The Haynes manual wasnt much help for an '82 CJ, so whipped out my trusty volt meter and tested all the leads looking for one that seemed to have variable voltage output.

No luck.

At this point I'm thinking that the rehostat in the headlight switch is dead.

Oh well... I guess i'll have to see if i can grab one from chrystler next time i am out. In the meantime, I have an opportunity to test the actual lights to see if they arent burned out...

This is where i start getting into "if at first you don't succeed.... CHEAT!"

Yep, I decided to splice what i KNEW was the wire for my parking lights into the orange wire for the gauge lights, and voila!! Almost all of the dashboard lights came up.

The only two that didnt light were the headlight, heater, and RPM lights. Other than that it looks amazing...

Anyways... What i need to find out is, which wires are which coming out of the headlight dimmer switch assembly. The Haynes manual doesnt really tell you. I need to find out what each wire does so when i get the replacement i can wire it the way its supposed to go.



Ya gots 2 thangs ya can do. Neither is gonna be fun. You can "point to point" trace, or take an exacto blade to the wiring harness and open it up. (No, not cutting the wires up!) With the harness opened (I know theres a S~%load of tape around it) you'll be able to follow individual wires more easily.

Good luck.
