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Oookay...I see squishy, bald and squishy in that order.. The whole thing reminded me of an old phrase: Put the fatty in the squishy. 'll stop at that...
Prepping/preparing for t-day at the beach. Working on atv, loading trailer with supplies, atv. load jeep tomorrow. Leave tues aft work, can't wait.
Were there... Nice 70 deg's with no wind. Went out and beat the quad (and me) for a while. Enjoyed the day with the wife and my trusty canine (black German shepherd). Then finished with a campfire, friends and some tasty red wine... Ahhhh


Back from the beach, good trip. We did get my sons 95 Chevy 4x4 stuck pulling the trailer in. Un hooked the trailer and he got him out. Later when it was me to leave we hooked him back up, shoveled around the truck and trailer then he tried to get out, but no luck. Hooked a strap to the truck and used the jeep to pull him out. The ole jeep was wining out pretty good, but was able to meet the chalenge and pulled the truck and trailer out in 4lo with front and rear lockers locked.

A question to the guys here....

How do you get comfortable sleeping on the couch.

I'm working this new job 12 hours a day, 7days a week for a couple of weeks. I'd be finding a way.