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You are too cute .
" sanatation . No , I told you to tell them you were in the sanatorium . S-A-N-A-T-O-R-I-U-M , not the sanitation . " LOL

Some how, I feel like I missed out on something.:?|
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I did google it. Google doesn't tell me Miami road conditions or traffic patterns. 20 miles doesn't mean 20 minutes. I can look up how far from Homestead to Key Largo, but maybe there are little beaches that are nicer and less populated that I don't know about. Helps to ask ppl who've been there. But thanks for the wise-ass comments.


Triple A or other sites like these have traffic patterns and close to real drive times. Exactly what beach is best I can't help but it is a peninsula. You'll never be too far from water.

Ha ha, somebody crazy glued baby dolls lit'l friend in it's holster.:funny:

Beam me up Scotty!
This is the best response you can come up with?!? I was so excited finding the site that you can make your own meme and been waiting for you to see it and make a clever response. ...and beem up scotty is all you got? Disappointed here Gennybro, ok brother I know its monday and everything, so can we do it again with a little "teasing" thrown in.