Last person to comment wins $20

This is the best response you can come up with?!? I was so excited finding the site that you can make your own meme and been waiting for you to see it and make a clever response. ...and beem up scotty is all you got? Disappointed here Gennybro, ok brother I know its monday and everything, so can we do it again with a little "teasing" thrown in.

And all is quiet, with Gennybro with nerves of steel and a cold cast iron heart sets delightfully back, sucking down a cold one. Ahhh yes life is good.

I must have maxed out on the number of posts, noticed it don't count them anymore.
Maybe I could get a moderator to go back and get an accurate count of my post's.Hmmmm this sounds like a good job for the jeepster, while he's waiting for his machine to cycle out.

Maybe I could get a moderator to go back and get an accurate count of my post's.Hmmmm this sounds like a good job for the jeepster, while he's waiting for his machine to cycle out.

Yeah.... Aw heck count em all, and create an excel spreadsheet to keep a running talley!

Yeah.... Aw heck count em all, and create an excel spreadsheet to keep a running talley!
excel spreadsheet? What be that?

Maybe I could get a moderator to go back and get an accurate count of my post's.Hmmmm this sounds like a good job for the jeepster, while he's waiting for his machine to cycle out.
umm lets see 1....2....20 you have twenty posts

Yeah, ya gotta wonder. His friends should get a hold of us'n's & schedule a play day...
