Johnny's 94 yj "One Big Poop"

Here are some of the brackets I made today, these are going to tie the fenders into the rad. hoop. I want things to be removable to some extent so that I can keep the jeep somewhat serviceable. for say a motor swap in the near future.

Also got the bars that tie the fenders into the boat sides bent, cut, and notched, didn't fee like pulling the welder out today, So I'll welded all the small things up this week, finish trimming the floor, trimm all the body mounts, measure for the poly, prime and paint this junk.

It stinks, November will mark the one year anniversary that this jeep has not been wheeled, and my other rig is getting to the point where I will start to have to put money into it.. don't want to do that.


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Long Over Due Update

This stage of my jeep is pretty much Done.

I till have to trim back the bod mounts so the Poly sits flush, a little bit of wiring to do and re-pin the BCM, some small here and there's but here is a couple spy shots. 36" tires look very small.. Once I get i running and pulled out of the garage, Iam gonna see how a 42" tire fits with only a 3" lift. front should be no issue, rear will. but I have some new springs to put in the front and I am going to re-drill te rar to stretch the axle back about 2"

I also finished the exhaust, all made by me using T409 stainless and wrapped in heat tape, it now runs down the drivers side with center exit.

new adustable Oh Sh!t handle for the passenger. I will get more photos what I have time and it is light out.



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I need to update this, the boat sides are done.

This weekend I did a ghetto stretch on the fron axle, about 2" stretch by redrilling the center pin in some used 3" RE military wrap springs that I got for a song from someone. after I got everything in, I am getting contact between the pitman arm and the tierod. I already moved the steering box forward a couple years ago to clear the hi-steer, so I am trying to find a pitman arm that is a little flatter and a little shorter. I seam to be able to find flatter ones, but I also need a shorter one. I was runninga stock YJ pitman arm that I re-tapered to fit a 1 ton large taper chevy TRE, center to center it is about 5.5 inches. Partsmike has recently started selling a flat un-drilled pitman arm that will fit 32 spline saganaw boxes. the arm is undriled so I can have my length at about 7" down to 5.25 so when I get home, I am going to measure to make sure the flat arm does not contact the frame at all, then I will probably pull the trigger on the arm.

with only 3" springs and the 2" front stretch and hi-line fenders, the 36" tsl look small, I might finish the season with them and then see if I can trade away these for some 39" iroks. Kinda unsure since I still have the 1 tons to go in and have a goal of 42" tires on 4 inches of lift, so unless I can get an even swap on tires (and Q78's are pretty desirable now that they are not making them right now and/or are hard to get)

I'll try to remember to load some pics on tonight.
looking good love the fenders look killer
are those cup holders


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Yup, bottle holders. I wanted to have something since I do not have a center console, and I wanted something that will hold my beverages incase of a rollover. at $3 per cage, couldn't beat the price. i will eventually drill and tap them into the cage, but fornow the hose clamps work.
All right, you are a VERY VERY SICK individual!!!:shades:

DANG, great stuff, Johnny, absolutely awesome!

Well, quick update, I can't locate a pitman arm with the specs I want.. flat, fits a saganaw box, and about 5-5.25" from center to center and enough material to be bored out for 1 ton GM TRE. so... I'm making my own. I was gonna start it last night, but it was too damn cold to be out in the shop, so Thursday I plan on starting the pitman arm work. I'll take pics if I remember.
Long over due for an update. I ended up making my own pitman arm. basically I took the factory arm that was on the jeep and cut the "drop" part out of the arm so I was left with the two ends. (obviously I marked the two ends since they are both tapered for a uni-directional fit) I left a small portion of the arm on the spherical portion to act as a sort of Keyway.

Then I made a paper templet of the new dimentions of the pitman arm, transfered to some 1/4" steel and plasm cut out two pieces. I tack welded the two pieces together and drilled the holes I needed to fit the parts from teh original pitman arm. I used a 1.5" hole saw and a 2" hole sam, then I used a plasma to cut out the keyway parts (sorry, forgot to take a pic)


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Like everything else, as I get close to the finish line, I tend to take less pics.

I broke the two flat pieces apart. the factory pitman arm portions had small tapers to the center plane of the arm, I fit one of my fabbed up pieces on the top and one on the bottom, slightly opening up the holes with a carbide ream until they fit pretty snugg and with about 1/16 of an inch of seperation between the two. then I started to weld them up. and here a couple pics of them welded up. I took time to stitch weld them as to not distort the taper for the steering box end, if those splines got distorted at all, it would not fit the gear box.

I put it on the jeep and turned lock to lock with out issue and have about 1/8" clearence between the tie rod and drag link which is fine with me.


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Realized, I never updated.

this was from May I think, Wheeled the **** out of it this summer and only got like one or two pics, I'll see if I can find them. jeep is currently sitting in the garage with a starting issue that I have narrowed down to a vacumn leak.

Last trip out was our annual "Fall Crawl" for the north east association of 4wd clubs, I signed up late and the only thing available was a comp buggy trail... I was running 38" TSL SX's, the next smallest tire was a 39" BFG red label, everyone else was on 42's or larger. I made it out alive, only winched once, didn't brake anything, lots of 2nd and 3rd gear assaults, ended up running out of gas litterally pulling the jeep on the trailer at the end of day one; day two on a easy trail I ended up coming down hard onto the front drive shaft. Luckily the pinion survived, but the shaft looks like a pretzel; also chewed up the yoke pretty good.

I'll look for more pics


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Well, Lack of updates on my part...
Wheeled the crap out of the jeep the past couple years. Ended up ditching the 38" SX's and put the Q's back on then sometime in the winter of 0h-12 I traded the Q's straight up for a set of brand new 39.5" TSL's Took is out for several easy runs and a couple harder trails but frankly these tries are truely pushing the limits of the D44's so I parked the jeep January 2013 and it has not moved since.

BUT I gave the tow rig a nice update.

Stripped the stock axles and suspension out of the truck. Put in 78 F250 axles, linked the front and shackle reversal in teh rear and some 35" tires.

Honestly life just really got busy, we built a couple other jeeps and buggies for some peope, also bought a boat, had more kids, more renovations to the house, spent 2 months in Europe for work bla bla bla. But the jeep is going back under the knife.

Plans are:

taking the front 3" lift springs and running them in the rear (they have 3" of stretch with re-drilled center pins) rear will be simple, 3" spring under with a 14 bolt, 5.38:1 gears, welded diff. I will be moving the mounts for the spring rearward couple inches netting about 6-7" of rear stretch. Front is getting D60 same gears, spooled, full hydro, 3 linked with 14 or 16" 2.5 air shocks or ORI struts. (haven't bought them yet so not sure) going to try to keep it as low as possible. As of now I plan on leaving the frame as is, but I have a feeling I will be cutting the frame off just before the motor mounts.

In between other projects I have been sourcing parts, still need the following
Single ended ram hydro set-up
previously mentioned air shocks or ORI struts
Front link joints.
New Bead Locks plan on buying cheap rims used then just welding on rings like my current rims.

I have a couple pics, the jeep I think the last trip out, the 39.5" tsl's and my pick up before and after.


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