Week Off and Running!


New member

OK It has been a long day but here is what is happing so far! PASmokeater got in late last evening. We hit the trails at about noon or so. What started out to be a ez break in run up to the No Business Trail turned into a 7 hour Ford Rescue as my son Will backed off the trail and is still stuck out there. We have him tied to a couple of trees to keep it from slidding and rolling on down the hill. We are all tented up and settled in for the evening. Wranglerwhat94 made it in from Detroit. A real trooper for a 17 year old I must say. He is safe mom and dad if you are reading this and we will take good care of Chris and Christine. Greenreaper and Beth is still in route said he had a bit of tire trouble on his trailer, twice he blew a tire. The Jeep of PASmokeater with the new lift and them big ol 33 x 12.5 x 15 Geolanders are do really great. He loves my little trails so far but we are still just in the bunny slope trails this far. Back tomorow to try and get wills ford un stuck then off for more trail ridding. To tired to post any pics tonight but we have taken a bunch so far. My Rough country lift and Baja Claws are prefoming very well and I am pleased with the choices I made there. Wish you were all here with us. Tug! :-D [addsig]


Man tug I wish I could be there with you guys...I bet yall are having a blast. However the past month or so has been great for me. I work for Wal-Mart and they needed volunteers to go on an all expense paid trip to remodel the store in Ruidoso, NM. I immedeately volunteered and am staying in a very nice three story condo for free with my meals and gas paid for as well. The great thing is that Ruidoso is up in the Rocky Mts and there are a lot of great places to wheel. I fell in with some local guys that have a jeep club called the Ruidoso Ridge Runners and have been wheeling with them. I'll bring pics back. So you got your lift and stuff all on eh? PASmokeater too? I bet yalls jeeps are badass. [addsig]

Hey,good to hear from you guys.Wish I was there but you know how it is.
So how many people are headed out for the jeepz trail ride???I can tell you
guys are having a blast!!!I cant wait to see the pics. Later Sully[addsig]

Too cool, did you perhaps give the "ridge riders" the
Jeepz.Com address, would love to hear from them.
and add them to our little family here.

Can't wait for the pics. be safe.[addsig]


Sounds like a ton of fun. So wish I could have made it out to join you guys (damn work :-x ) Want to see the pics when you get a chance to post them........[addsig]

its great to hear the trail report... keep them coming... and as you've heard over and over... i wish i could be there.. but someone's gotta keep the rooms blazin[addsig]

Good luck to all. Play harder after it's all done. Don't break too many new parts. Take pics. Break out the moonshine, Tug. And most of safe.[addsig]


Day 2 was a rest and get to kow each other day, after we pulled the My son Will's Ford Ranger out of the jaws of No Business trail hehehe. We were in 4 miles and he backed off a soft edge and over he sank. PASmokeater and I tied him off with straps and a high lift for a cone along to go for more help and equipment. Will and his friend Cody built the Blare Witch Project Marker to warn off others from this part of the trail, hehehe.

This will give some idea how stuck he was!

edited by: Tug-n-pull, Jun 22, 2003 - 06:32 PM[addsig]

I hope everyone has fun, and is safe! Wish I could go but I am signing on my new house this thursday! Good luck to all and remember, keep the rubber side down!!


Goofing around at the lake. Went to the city to get a bite to eat and we are haveing a ball. Left to right Tug Wranglerwhat94 and PASmokeater.





Will add some more pics as soon as time allows we are haveing to much fun to stop and when I do I am so tired i can not function on the key board. hehehehe Later tug

edited by: Tug-n-pull, Jun 23, 2003 - 03:40 AM[addsig]


it looks like a lot more fun than the kidney infection I am fighting[addsig]

Hey Tug-

Just outta curiosity, what would you "rate" the trails? You're pics showed me something I haven't seen in a loooooong time.....TREES! The only tree we have in West Texas is mesquite and they're nothin' to look at. Lot's of dust too (it IS the desert), but we've gotta nice place to trail ride out at this resevoir. Gotta get there early though before the dirt bikes and ATVs get in your way![addsig]

Looks great Gentlemen.

Let us know when the Reaper arrives.
I too would like to know he makes it safe.


We are starting off slow to get to know each other on the trail. Most trails we have been on are ez to moderate trails and we are slowly working to harder and harder trails. Tonight we are going night riding to Unaka Mt. Tomorow Dark Hollow and Buffalo a little harder as we go. Ending up later this week in Dicks Creek and Rich Mt. rough to very rough. Catch you later cause we are out of here to see the stars tonight. Tug

Oh yea we are very worried about Greenreaper as well. If we knew how to find him we would. Travleing with no cell phone but we are keeping in touch through his home and mom. Tug[addsig]

Green Reaper is here safe and sound and beth is way to pretty for this guy! hehehehehe We just was heading out for our night run made it to main street and we hear on the CB break 25 looking for tug and or PASmokeater this is green reaper! he was only one half of a block coming down main street. We had a great time meeting catching up getting to know each other and setting his camp site up. Tomorow we are hitting the trails early! and staying all day at it. Wish you were all here! tug[addsig]

Its good to hear that everyone arrived safely.Take lots of pics for all of us who "wish we were there". Thanks Sully[addsig]


wow.. wish i was there.. would have loved to recover that ranger....;) its my specialty... lol - i'm becoming a recovery expert (have to when you wheel with ) j/k


Hey Tug. Are those trails to tough for a new guy and his stock YJ. I'd like to go next year. Just not sure if I'll survive the trails. I'd be the brave little 17 yr old that trucks down from NJ. I wish I could have come. Just wondering, will I survive?

Just remember Raptor that you will always have a bigger jeep
there to help you out of the harder stuff.......... :-D [addsig]


Hey raptor....if you look at the pictures youll see a lil red stock jeep. Thats me im the brave 17 year old that trecked down from Michigan. I went through every mud hole, river and trail that those big huge jeeps went through you just have to use a lil more caution. I was very surprised when i learned how capable my 13 year old yj really is. You were wondering how you would do on those would have no problem. I kept up with tug and pasmokeater every step of the way. If you accually think things through and pic a line to hit before you hit it you can go most anywhere. One of the most important things i learned from Rob(pasmokeater) this past week in tennessee was to TAKE IT SLOW and you wont break anything. And like Higgens said there was always someone there to help you out. It would be great to have you next year with us i will for sure be there again!

:lol: :lol: hopefully that helps you out a lil bit ;-) :cool: \


edited by: WranglrWhat94, Jun 30, 2003 - 02:05 PM[addsig]