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So recently a few days ago I went to start my 2000 Jeep Tj manual 4cyl and drive somewhere after it had been sitting without being started for 3 days (not sure if this matters), and right when I left my driveway I drove about 2000 feet when all of a sudden I shifted into third and it started sputtering. I gave it more gas and no throttle came through and then it sputtered out and stalled/died. I started it back up and when I started it, it barely turned over she switched on and as soon as I gave it gas the sputtering started again and it instantly died. I had this problem before and my mechanic told me it was because my manifold gasket was worn out and the bolts were completely loose. I highly doubt it would be this seeing we just replaced all of this about 6 months ago. When I start it it sputters out as if you have full choke on an atv as soon as you start it and then turn choke off and it sputters out and dies. I’m a novice mechanic and would really like to get this fixed and I have no idea what it could be. I have a video and I will provide more info if anyone needs it. Please help!! -thank you 
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