Is this steering stabilizer leaking?


Staff member
I replaced my steering stabilizer because I had one lying around, so I guess it doesn't matter, but I was wondering if this is what a leaky stabilizer looks like. This one didn't have any more or less resistance than the new one, but it sure looks beat.


  • steering-stabilizer 012_jeep-wrangler.jpg
    steering-stabilizer 012_jeep-wrangler.jpg
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  • steering-stabilizer 015_jeep-wrangler.jpg
    steering-stabilizer 015_jeep-wrangler.jpg
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A minor seapage of fluid(slightly wet but not dripping or running) is normal when it sits sideways awhile. One way to check if it did leaked out fluid is to compress it all the way while feeling the resistance of the hydraulic. Do the same while decompressing the damper. If at any point in time during the travel of the shaft to the housing all the way to the end of its travel that you feel a sudden loss of resistance, it's a bad unit, if not, it should be okay to use.
:funny:I alway top off the fluid in all my dampeners before a long trip..... and that rotation is critical every 5K miles or so..... :lol:
:funny:I alway top off the fluid in all my dampeners before a long trip..... and that rotation is critical every 5K miles or so..... :lol:

'Bout the only help here was for a post count, heh? I'll remember to seek your advice next time I need help.