Is it possible?


Super Moderator
Today I lowered the cross member or skid plate on my YJ to start loosening up stuff for the project. I found that that piece is actually holding up my transmission and transfer case. This project includes installing a SYE and a T-case drop... do I need to take this crossmember skid plate thing off? I have heard of people installing the SYE while still on the jeep but I dont' have a lift, it will only be up on jack stands. Any thoughts? I dont want this transmission to be hanging down the entire time... has anyone been through this? thanks

you can take off the skid plats and support the trans and Tcase and do the sye
after I lifted my jeep and put her on new tires I did my SYE..had enough room to crawl under and did the install while it was still mounted. just had to drop the skid and support the t-case and transmission like jeepin916 said. all and all..the destructions look alot worse then it is. 3 hours and it was done....hardest part for me..getting the fluid back in the case.
Hey LGR, so you took the skidplate off but kept the tcase bolted to the jeep? I was thinking of taking it right out... anyway if I do take the skid plate off I was thinking of putting a strap around the transmission and supporting it through the shifter boot hole with some angle iron...

you can hang it from the body, but might bend the body some... i prefer to put a jack under the front under the transmission.. you certainly don't want it to just hang... that will put a lot of stress on the motor mounts, and you may lose a rubber mount bushing
yeah i guess that would bend up the floor... I think I can get a jack that will do the job. Seems like the only way
LGR said:
hardest part for me..getting the fluid back in the case.

Steal your wifes Dish Detergent bottle cap! Screw it to the oil bottle they are both the same size and you can squeez it into the fill hole. Works like a charm and you can keep it on the oil bottle to seal up any left overs. tug

man..i had some huge hose from my beer funnel took forever! wasn't even thinking of an easy way to do it...But yeah..i kept it bolted to the jeep and took the case apart while i was left with the back half still bolted..made it easier..didn't have to take it down..or unhook the wires or shift cable stuff. only pain was using the snap ring pliers with bad light and bad angles to attack it. but..i mangled them and used the new ones. i say keep it up.
hey tug... what makes you think that it is the WIFE who owns the dish detergent??? now that's not right... YOU own the detergent, it's her job to use it