Installed 'rock lights'


New member

YAAAHHHH :-D Just finished with the front rock lights on the Lil Mule!!! Turned out great...can't wait to actually use them! I would have posted pics, but I don't have a digital camera yet :-( ...oh well, I just had to share my good news! Take care, Patti ;-) [addsig]


Not real sure about Rock Lights are they mounted under the Jeep and pointed down or what? What ever they are they must be cool for the quinters to have em! Tug[addsig]

Hey Tug! How are ya? Well I only have the front lights installed now....they are basically "cheapy" lights (about $20) that I have mounted on the inside of my front bumper shining down near the axle area. The idea is to aid spotters if you are wheeling at night....I would normally try to avoid that situation, but you never know when breakdowns occur...I'll post pics soon - here and on my site! :-) [addsig]

you put them on the bumper....i was gonna put mine somewhere under the driver and passenger door....tell me what you think about your quinners[addsig]


Hey Far! Well, I have been looking at the mounting options on my TJ for awhile now and found the best location right inside the front bumper. I have a custom bumper which has good location for light protection (rocks, debris...etc). My other reason for that location was the following: I wanted the spotter to be able to see what was 'in front' of my axle and not behind. This seems to allow the best view all around. Now I'm looking for locations in the rear...maybe next week! :-D I'll post soon!! Will probably borrow a digital camera from work for a few minutes tomorrow!!! :evil: [addsig]

I have 8 rock lights installed on my 93 YJ. I've put one light in front and one behind each tire tucked up under the jeep. If you only have one light on one side of the tire, it casts too much of a shadow on the other side of the tire and you can't see what you're doing. The only problem I've had with mine is too much mud getting on them making them usless. If you can avoid it, don't install them in line with the tire or you'll get all the spray on them. There's also the problem of them filling with water. If they're cheap lights like mine, you might want to silicone them shut so they don't fill with water. I just used a couple of cheap sets of round reverse lights, they were about $10. each.

edited by: Craig, Feb 21, 2003 - 12:44 AM[addsig]

Glad to see "Rock lights" are catchin on! I installed a set (only 2 didn't need anymore) on my CJ-5 back in 83' been on ever since, (replaced drivers side lamp from a little rock accident once) but their great to have while rockin it at night! Work great for settin up camp too! I have a set of 4 to install on my Truck, just gota find the time!




So that's what all those flourescent blue lights are, that are under all those lowered cars! :-D :lol: :-D :lol:

Todd 8-) [addsig]

LOL - Yeah the neon lights are the "bling bling" version of the original 'rock lights'!!! :lol: [addsig]


Here are some preliminary pics of the lights...






edited by: Quinners, Feb 21, 2003 - 08:02 PM[addsig]

I installed my "tractor" rubber armored lights under the body, just behind the forward body mount. The lamps shine down and outward, and illuminate the immediate area between the wheels and out maybe 15- 20 feet depending on terrain. The lamps are hanging from the body. Orignal set was mounted to frame rail, but, both side lamps lost arguments with stubborn, large rocks! I relocated my new lamps to a more protected location.
The lamps work great for lighting up prospective campsites.


jprtroy do you have pics of them? i gotta 82 5 also and want the exact same rock lights that you have :-D [addsig]


Hey Quinters just seen on a diiferent post that you are from Escanaba. Heeee that is funny have you seen the movie "Escanaba in da moonlite" Look for it a rent it you will laugh you rear off! Tug[addsig]