I was mocking the notion, not agreeing with it.Well there's one thing everyone in this thread should be able to agree on![]()
.................Give me one good reason why anyone in the US should be tolerant of that?
Jesus....pretty good reason.
To quote a line of one of my favorite John Prine songs, "Jesus don't like killin', no matter what the reason for.....And your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore."
Our Prez vowed to take the fight to any country that harbored or aided these terrorists in any way......yet we are not dropping bombs on Iran, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc., etc., etc. Why not? If we have such a good reason to be in Iraq, then by the same reason, we need to be in those other countries fighting terror, also.
We never "had to be there" in the first place. We chose to be there. Yes, it was a response to an attack on American soil, but we've changed our reason for being there several times now. How many more reasons are we going to give so that we can keep killing our sons and daughters, spending our national debt higher, and lining the pockets of the war contractors who are under Bush's desk in the oval orifice on a daily basis?
Those threats have been in the quran for thousands of years, why did we not attack them in 1776? Ok, stupid statement on my part about 1776, but still, we have no more reason to be there now than we did when we first attacked.
Always one of my favorites: We must protect you from yourselves!!:roll:
And has most of you forgotten Vietman? How many soldiers were lost there?
Jesus wants me to tolerate the murdering of innocent men, women, and children? He wants me to tolerate the raping of women that do not obey islamic law and tradition? I think not.Jesus....pretty good reason.
To quote a line of one of my favorite John Prine songs, "Jesus don't like killin', no matter what the reason for.....And your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore."
Of course not, it would be a bigger mistake than going into Iraq and lead to more dead American soldiers for naught. However, that was our president's vow, but I'm not the least bit surprised that he has renigged on that promise, too. Lies got us where we are, and lies will have to get us out. But, suppose for a moment that what Gone&Doneit said isn't true, that Iraq wasn't the easiest scapegoat we could attack. (BTW, G&D, that was a very well put point, and I do believe you are right in many ways with that post.) If Dumbya was to keep his promise to the families of the 9/11 victims, we would be in those other countries. It would only make sense that since they are the ones supporting and supplying the insurgents that we would attack them directly. One of the most important phrases I learned as a paramedic serves it's point here, too: Treat the disease, not the symptoms. In other words, you must cut off the head of the dragon to kill the body. Cut their supporters off at the knees, and the insurgents will have no more IED's, weapons, or supplies. We are wasting time and lives by fighting the insurgents directly. We need to be fighting their supporters. But yes, I feel the same way now about attacking them as I did when Bumbleya made that empty promise....that it will never happen. Not so much because of the toll on American lives and equipment, but because of his relationship with the rest of the UAE. Not his diplomatic relationship with them so much as his personal relationship with them. It would also cost the US much more than lives and equipment if you factor in the oil supplies and the money the Saudi Arabia pumps into our economy outside of the oil community.I know you don't think for a second that we should or even could go into those countries.
Including the US Troops......They would not last long at this point with all the aggressors in the region.
Did you read Luke 22:36-38 also?
Jesus knowing trouble was coming to His disciples, told them to sell their garments and buy a sword for protection and self defense.
Find one verse where Jesus delt with a centurian and told him to walk away from his army duties.
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:14) another verse that talks about self defense. In order for someone to lay down their life, they would be doing so while protecting your friends.
Thou shalt not kill... look up "kill" in the orginal greek used in the Textus Receptus, it means to murder, premeditated style. That verse does not imply killing in self defense is wrong.
Consider King David writing about defending his nation against its enemies.
"Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight," David writes in Psalms 144:1.
Jesus wants me to tolerate the murdering of innocent men, women, and children? He wants me to tolerate the raping of women that do not obey islamic law and tradition? I think not.
If you saw a man who was a known rapist and killer on the street, and knew he intended to repeat his crimes, you knew he had dedicated his life to them and would die attempting to carry those crimes out would you tolerate that?
Do you think that it would be pleasing to God to turn a blind eye to it only to allow it to continue? I think not.
What part an offensive strike with cruise missiles and carpet bombing thousands of square miles is considered self-defense? A search and destroy mission in the streets of Baghdad is not self-defense. Sorry, those verses do not apply to what is being discussed here.
Mud said:Originally Posted by mud4feet
Jesus....pretty good reason.
To quote a line of one of my favorite John Prine songs, "Jesus don't like killin', no matter what the reason for.....And your flag decal won't get you into heaven anymore."
Amen, Brother Mud! 8)
Don't forget "Thou shalt not kill." I know I've read that somewhere, but I just can't quite remember where.![]()
Those statements are quite extreme and border on rediculous. Are we now going to keep trumping with more and more extreme statements that are way out of context? If so, I am finished here.:roll:
A statement was made about intolerance..
I asked why I should tolerate these actions by terrorists...
It was implied that I should tolerate them because of a song that referenced Jesus....
Exactly. I simply said there was too much intolerance in the world. Apparently, that was taken personally. I stand by my statement.
I don't think it was unrealistic for me to assume that by "both hemishperes" you meant the USA and that I am one of those you were referring to since I am on the other side of this discussion and made my feelings about the terrorists clear. Take it personally? Nah. Feel the need to respond from my point of view? Of course.Well said.................just too much intolerance in the world..........in BOTH hemispheres.
Incorrect. You asked for one reason.........and I stated one.
Incorrect. I responded that "Jesus" was my reason, then simply quoted a song lyric. You took it how you took it, I can't help that.
I don't think it was unrealistic for me to assume that by "both hemispheres" you meant the USA and that I am one of those you were referring to since I am on the other side of this discussion and made my feelings about the terrorists clear. Take it personally? Nah. Feel the need to respond from my point of view? Of course. .
I took it very simply... that you used Jesus as your reason with nothing other than a song's lyric to accompany it. I tried to use an analogy to explain why your reason was inaccurate, but then 90Xjay did so very plainly.
dorivin said:Killing is murder, murder is killing. It goes hand in hand
so if you were walking down an alley and found two men violently raping a women and choking her to death and you pulled out a 357, shot them both and stopped the rape, would you consider yourself a murderer? I wouldn't.
So, is the US supposed to be the woman getting raped in this analogy?
Calling our Marines rapists and murderers... you have sunk to a new low in talking down our country. I know you never have anything positive to say about the USA and I have pretty much come to expect responses from you that put us down, but this one is too far out there and insulting to ignore.Dorivan said:They muder rape and destroy, The military has murdered raped and destroyed just as much.