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I believe 'Stralia started out as a Penal Colony for the Brits.
Oh yea, here's a site you guys need to check out about a movie that was made that I refrenced too earlier.
This movie is called Jesus Camp, and I know you guys have had to of seen it.
Heres a couple of clips and the website
If I read the bible, the quran (or however the **** its spelt), or any other friggin book then ill interpet it my way. Thats how everyone is, but you also got to take in account that most people in the middle east can't read and they don't know any better so they do what their clerics say.
Well, for the most part, I'm agreeing with you. Both sides in their extremes are scary. I was only correcting you on the literacy thing. But I think your point was pretty valid. Blind faith is a poison.Thanks for correcting me on that one man. From alot of the Marines I know, when they came back they told me that the ones they ran across were unable to read.
Oh and sorry for being arse tacious guys, im currently working off the effects of 2 doubles in a row so the vodka has kicked in and im all wheeeeee!
Yes I would love to go to Austrailia though due to the great off roading there is in the Westren Part of it.
:agree: well saidYea there are some whack jobs out there that claim to be Christian, I wont argue that. But what you have to realize is that you wont find anything in the Christian Bible that says to kill all non-believers and all that. You can find that in the Quran. So maybe the people that everyone calls Islamic radicals arent that radical after all.
Dont get me wrong, Im not saying that there arent good Muslims out there. Im sure there are a lot of great people that say they're Muslim. But as I posted earlier. Read the Quran. And then just for kicks, read the Bible. I think you'll get my point.
That makes no sense whatsoever. If you have something against Christianity then make that issue known, but the idea that there's a greater threat to our society from Christians then from the jihad happy muslims because of some nutjob group then you are just not being reasonable.Ok, I have to say this, Don't just be hating on the Islamic Radicals. If you want to hate on them then you better hate on the Christian Radicals!
..... But hey, If youre gonna follow some wack job onto a plane screaming Jihad and not knowing what it means then by all means, just know that i'll be on that place with a nice clicking pen ready to jab it in your eye! Stupid Twats, and stupid goverenment for knowing that this stuff was gonna happen.
That makes no sense whatsoever. If you have something against Christianity then make that issue known, but the idea that there's a greater threat to our society from Christians then from the jihad happy muslims because of some nutjob group then you are just not being reasonable.
............Whether dropping bombs from a plane, or running bombs onto a plane, both are forms of terrorism depending on whether or not you're the one getting blown up. We just like to call the first method "Warfare".
Yes, there is a greater threat to our society from EXTREMIST JIHADIST Muslims. It's because I live in a country dominated by those of Judeo Christian beliefs. But if I lived in the Middle East, and I was an Arab who followed Islam, I'd fear the crazy extremist Christians. I might not fear a "Nutjob" with a bomb strapped to his back walking onto a plane, but instead I would fear a nutjob sitting on a boat off shore from my country with a guided missle system enjoying AC whilst pressing the fire button one minute, and wondering what's for dinner the next.
Whether dropping bombs from a plane, or running bombs onto a plane, both are forms of terrorism depending on whether or not you're the one getting blown up. We just like to call the first method "Warfare".
I have no idea what you mean by that question or who you are referring to.Why is there enough religion to incite a war, but not enough to instill tolerance? Thats my question.
Good thing you don't have to at this point.I fear the guy sitting on a boat more then the guy running at me with the bomb. Atleast I can look in their eyes and possible take them down with me. If hes miles off shore then you never know who is attacking you.
You can't say that what america is doing to another country isn't terrorism just because they do it to keep another possible 9/11 from happening.
I understand what you are attempting to say here, but what "great" nation ever survived by not responding to attacks and threats?In all honesty, if we keep attacking the other countries and say we do it to keep peace all we are going to do is drain ourselves and have everyone else want to attack us. America is slowly becoming another British Empire, these days America is the empire that the sun never sets on. And look what happened to them, they had a down fall. A down fall is the fate of all great empires. No more then 10 years is what I give it.