I'm a dad now

That is sooooo awesome! What a great looking little guy! I am glad wife and baby are doing well. With so much crappy news out there, I am really glad that you shared this joyous news with us. Congrats big time!

PS, I love the little Jeepz shirt you have him wearing!

All the best,
Bob C.
Congrats !! It's the best thing in the world. Savor every moment of it.

Here's my little guy.


Love the outfit! Looks like I'll be ordering one here in a little while. Just found out my first is roughly 8 months out :eek:

cool another jeeper ! havent been on the comp much latey so belated congrats ! (mine are grown up and have owned 2 or more jps each ! ) JUst what the new mom needs to worry about right ? more jeeps in the drive...well not for a while anyway
Congrats, kids are the best thing that ever happened to me.

And it happened four times! My youngest turns 15 on Saturday.

Cherish every moment you get, time will go by at a blinding rate now.

Might not seem like it right away, but time really does fly & before you know it you'll be handing him wrenches!
Well done! Though mine are grown now, I still remember the day each of them was born. Nothing like it it this whole world.
First ride in the Jeep

I took the little guy for his first ride in the Jeep the other day :shades:


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Man, it sucks to be a kid today.....in a Jeep but strapped into the dang car seat facing backwards!!! When I was that age, I'd have probably been crawling around in the back and/or hanging from the "sport" bar!!! Ah.........progress!!!! Good lookin' kid, Terry!! And it appears as though he's being brought up right!!!