I got hit..... and he ran!


Active member
RE: Oil pressure in a 360

I got hit and the person of latino decent (not that that matters) didn't stop or render insurance information................... better?

RE: A little radiator help.

Sorry about what happened, but how do you know he was illegally here?
Don't feel the need to throw in the disclaimer that you aren't racist. It's a group of people who are blatantly breaking our laws, and they happen to primarily be Mexican. There is nothing wrong with commenting on illegal Mexican immigrants. Blanket statements about mexicans in general, just because of the illegals, would be wrong. That being said, I partially agree with you. But it's not totally the illegal immigrants fault, it's ours for making it so easy to do and not punishing the offenders. I don't blame them for coming here, I would too.

We are overrun in this part of NC with illegal mexican immigrants. We just had a bad accident here where an illegal was driving drunk and hit the car of a family that was here on vacation. Killed the father and the mother is still in the hospital. The illegal had two or three passengers, one of which is in the hospital with half of his face literally gone. It was the 5th offense for the same crime. He could have been deported after each offense but was somehow allowed to stay here, and also remain a free man. I heard on the radio last week that NC has ONE immigration officer to handle deportations. They are attracted here to the agriculture and booming housing developement. It's almost a joking matter when people brag about working a crew of illegal Mexicans at their business. 99% percent of them don't have any auto insurance, but they still get on our underdeveloped and overly congested roads everyday with regular citizens and they know that they face no real punishment if they cause an accident. If things get really bad for them or they screw up too bad, they just relocate. You HAVE to have uninsured motorist insurance here.....

Sorry for going on like that, and sorry for your little automotive boo-boo. That sucks.
RE: Oil pressure in a 360

We have FULL COVERAGE on the car and he was in a company truck.... a commercial vechical.... with the name and phone# on the side and everything, but I still managed to write down the plates for the trailer and the Van he was in

you can't board an airplane in europe bound for america with a pair of fingernail clippers because they think you are a terrorist.
BUT you can drive across from Mexico, work and live here, Illegally, tax free, eat massive amounts of lard based products, develop heart disease and get free medical for life.

What a deal.

I can say what I want now that I am a minority race here in Texas.
I want all the special deals I've been paying for others to get coming back my way now.

:wink: :wink: :wink:
I'm sorry, but did I really see the phrase "Wet Back?"


Please don't use that term... it's the equivalent of the "N word" for Mexicans.

I had more to say, but decided it's best to leave it be. But suffice it to say I'm shocked.
Ideal tire size

mingez said:
I'm sorry, but did I really see the phrase "Wet Back?"


Please don't use that term... it's the equivalent of the "N word" for Mexicans.

I had more to say, but decided it's best to leave it be. But suffice it to say I'm shocked.

I really don't think any racial epithet is appropriate here.

BTW, blacks call each other the "N word" as a term of endearment. Do Mexicans call each other the "WB word" that way too? I know if this cracker called a black guy the "N word" he'd pop a cap in my arse. Of course, I don't go around calling my buddies "Cracker" or "Honky" as terms of endearment, either.

I gotta agree with Junk, too, that a lot of the problem is our government allowing illegals of all races to enter the country so easily. Of course, due to it's proximity, Mexico seems to be the worst about it. True, if they go too far over the line in breaking laws, the worst they face is deportation. They just jump off the bus in Nogales or Juarez and come right back over the line. Why wouldn't they? A week's work here at minimum wage will support a family of 15 back home and leave enough to put into an account to be used for future transports back to America when caught and deported.

I blame the stupid cracker gringo government for this mess. :shock:

I just wanted to point out that rhis govt makes it easy for anyone illegal to be here. I locked up a Morroccan girl for using 6 counterfeit credit cards, and stealing $4000.00 in jewelry. She was in the U.S. on a 4 year old expired work permit. 4 years expired and U.S. customs wouldn't even come get her until she was done serving her 5 years in jail. Thats an oops waiting to happen. I can almost hear the excuse, "we misunderstood and thought you guys wanted to pick her up at her house". I have n problems with anyone coming to the u.s. for a better life, but i do have a problem with criminals coming here. There are a large number of hard working hispanics in our community who come here for the farming and construction industry. They work like 80 hour weeks for about $5.25 an hour. I would rather have an illegal immigrant here working hard ot improve his life then the U.S. citizens who stay home, smoke crack all day, and pop out babies just to get a bigger wlefare check every month. Worst part is when i see welfare recipients wearing better clothes than i can afford and the amount of money they spend on booze and cigarettes and playing lottery.
dropseys said:
...U.S. citizens who stay home, smoke crack all day, and pop out babies just to get a bigger wlefare check every month. Worst part is when i see welfare recipients wearing better clothes than i can afford and the amount of money they spend on booze and cigarettes and playing lottery.

Amen, brother!!!
I think we are going to be seeing some changes soon. I keep reading all these articles about NM where the border towns are seeing increasing levels of violence and drug trafficing. The worst part is the Gov. or whoever wanted like $2mil in federal aid to boost border security and he only got $750k!!!! How many BILLIONS of dollars are we spending on foreign aid. We need to focus on the problems at home first.

mingez said:
I'm sorry, but did I really see the phrase "Wet Back?"


Please don't use that term... it's the equivalent of the "N word" for Mexicans.

I had more to say, but decided it's best to leave it be. But suffice it to say I'm shocked.

I dont want to start any trouble but this northern boy never heard of that phrase before. Just out of curiousity what does it mean?
RE: A need for all us computer users


PM'd you an explanation of the WB-word. Hopefully this will help you understand people's feelings about the term without pouring anymore gasoline on the fire in this thread!!


Need quick help.

I am with judge too, never heard that word, but we yankee's don't through around a lot of terms like that like some southerner's do.

I say who cares, get the car/truck fixed and be done. you got all the important info, if he was infact illegal, then after this all goes through the littigation system, he will be deported to where ever.
mingez said:
I'm sorry, but did I really see the phrase "Wet Back?"


Please don't use that term... it's the equivalent of the "N word" for Mexicans.

I had more to say, but decided it's best to leave it be. But suffice it to say I'm shocked.

Sparky-Watts said:
I really don't think any racial epithet is appropriate here.

BTW, blacks call each other the "N word" as a term of endearment. Do Mexicans call each other the "WB word" that way too? I know if this cracker called a black guy the "N word" he'd pop a cap in my arse. Of course, I don't go around calling my buddies "Cracker" or "Honky" as terms of endearment, either.

I gotta agree with Junk, too, that a lot of the problem is our government allowing illegals of all races to enter the country so easily. Of course, due to it's proximity, Mexico seems to be the worst about it. True, if they go too far over the line in breaking laws, the worst they face is deportation. They just jump off the bus in Nogales or Juarez and come right back over the line. Why wouldn't they? A week's work here at minimum wage will support a family of 15 back home and leave enough to put into an account to be used for future transports back to America when caught and deported.

I blame the stupid cracker gringo government for this mess. :shock:
I am sorry if I have offended anyone..... :cry: I have gone back and made changes. "That term" (to avoid using a slur) is not directed towards all Mexicans.... just the illeagle ones. I don't think all Mex. are "That term" , and I don't think all African Americans are "the N word" either, that simply refers to how they portray them selves and act..... NOT because of the color of thier skin or the language they speak..... I know a family who has roots so far back in America they were here before me and some of it's members still don't speak english. Again, I am sorry if I have offended anyone :oops:
Also a northerner here and never heard "WB" term before. Have of course, heard the N word, and cracker, honky, and all those.

I prefer not to use any of those words period in any form of written or spoken word. I wouldn't want them used towards me so I don't use them towards others.

I have lots to say too but I have to go to work, as always. Maybe later.


Okay, I still want to know WHY YOU ARE SO SURE HE WAS ILLEGAL? Just because he drove a company vehicle and spoke in spanish?

And, yes it may be wrong for anyone to come here illegally...but how exactly does that make them such terrible people? You don't know why exactly they're coming here!!
tharbold said:

PM'd you an explanation of the WB-word. Hopefully this will help you understand people's feelings about the term without pouring anymore gasoline on the fire in this thread!!


The PM never made it to me. Please resend. My thirst for knowledge knows no bounds...Thanks! v :)

judge09 said:
How many BILLIONS of dollars are we spending on foreign aid. We need to focus on the problems at home first.

Music to my constitutionalist ears!

Well I have heard just about all of the terms out there. I've been a New Englander and a Southerner and I can tell you that ignorance knows no borders. My Dad has never left New England and he explained the WB thing when I heard it as a youngster in Mass.

You cannot have both open borders and a democratic state but for a short period of time. This has been proven throughout history. Unfortunately the United States is proving it once again.

That said, LEGAL latino immigrants have been invalueable to our economy in many ways, but especially to our small businesses. From what I have personally witnessed they are some of the hardest working people I have met. The ILLEGAL immigrants, no matter what race, color, or country of origin are destroying our cities, draining our economy, and basicially taking us to the cleaners. It needs to be stopped... yesterday.