Hurricane Ivan

Talk about Ivan I have been hit head on by 2 in a three week period. I don't even have the Jeep or the snorkel to scuba dive anymore. Shopping for a newer TJ any recommendations.....
Amp waterlogged!

stacker46 said:
Hey South442... you heard anything about your parents condo yet? Looks like Pensacola took the brunt of the storm, and the Alabama/Florida line got it pretty bad.

Well, the condo is still there. The sand dunes that separate the beach from the building are gone, the pool is completely filled in. All the landscaping, fencing etc are no longer there, just sand. The first floor sustained most of the damage although the second floor also got water damage from the storm surge. From the picture, it looks like part of the walls on the right side are missing. They are still not letting people on the key yet unescorted. They took a bus load of residents in Monday and my Mom got the info from them.


They are still clearing the roads, inspecting the buildings, looking for bodies. We were told that over the weekend they found a couple of cars buried in the sand with families in them. Why you would wait so long to evacuate and put you family in jeapordy, I'll never know.

The Flora Bama didn't get completely wiped out I heard, there are still a few bras hanging on the ceiling. It probably won't take much time for them to rebuild.

Well, they'll (everyone on the coast) will rebuild and it will be just the same in a few years I hope.

I Just returned from Pensecola. We went on a Relief Trip to deliver Chainsaws, Generators, Tarps, etc etc.. . . This place is ROUGH. Imagine Trees the size of 55 gallon drums Snapped in 1/2. Light poles snapped and dangling by the wires. Cars without windows, MUCH damage. It makes a difference to see it all first hand. It was bad, it they have been cleaning for almost a week now.
Jeanne, how bout IVAN? Reformed and coming back for more. Speaking of Jeanne, she just killed 1200, yes 1200 people in Haiti and 1200 more missing. How sad is that?


South, I heard about the FloraBama. There were several thousand parrotheads freaking out that it may have been gone. I have'nt got there yet, but will someday. I've seen pictures of it and yes they'll rebuild in no time. lol I hope your parents condo is okay but that is so sad about those families in those cars left behind.
