horable body work


New member
I hope this isnt a new faze for doing body work
besides scaring me to death looking at it Id be afraid of driving it as well :shock:
Oh hellz yes. I would wheel that thing. I think I would maybe consider some linoleum though, that way it would last longer than one summer. Cheap guy didn't even you treated wood! Hey I just had a thought. What if a guy were to build a rear tub out of the new TREX (plastic composite) deck boards. It would never rot, and you could make a little "truck" type bed on it. Plus it comes in all different colors, so no paint needed. Maybe some of the new plywood I-Joist to replace the frame rail. Ok, ok....I'll stop. Yes, who ever did this was a douche.
LMAO, Ya'll made me laugh. That is quite unique. I'd put a dark walnut stain on it and shoot a polyurethane on its surface and call it a woody.

That reminds me of a Bronco II that I saw wheeling once.....the body/fenders were trimmed so much to clear his 31" tires that he screwed up on one side and had to back fill with some plywood. I wish I had a camera!
Now come-on the guy is obviously a carpenter or a camper etc.........
Just think, if he ever got stuck out in the cold and had to survive ----- He's got his fire to keep warm right with him! You on the other hand would run out of gas and freeze!
Meh.. what ever works. vehicles being made from wood has not been acceptable since the mid 30's.. but if that ends up being wrapped in fiberglass, I would see no problem with it at all.

This isn't anything new - Jeep has been making trucks out of wood for years :p


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