Help!!! Broke my clutch pedal!!!


New member
Hi all. New jeep owner! just got an 88 cherokee laredo that needs some work. the master cylinder for the clutch is siezed, which I didnt know. so I added some fluid, tried pressing the clutch firmly and I pushed too hard. :roll: SNAP! the arm of the clutch broke! :cry: How hard is it to replace these doohonkers and whereabouts can I get a new one or used one... Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!

if the pedal didn't go down theirs a reason.
never force anything if it don't move doing that will make a simple repair into a bigger P.I.T.A. than its worth

junk yard would be your best bet for the pedal assembly

its not very difficult

the easy way to do this is first remove the drivers seat so you have room to work .

unbolt steering column from under dash just let it hang it don't need to come all the way out.
before you start pulling out the pedal assembly un hook the brake sending unit and both the clutch and brake shafts from pedal assembly
remove the 2 bolts holding pedal assembly to dash and 4 bolts on fire wall , now it should be free and come out
as for master remove hydrolic line than the bolts holding it to firewall,
if your replacing the clutch master I recommend you also replace the slave cylinder and hydrolic line since they probably will have debree/rust in them from master

Make sure you bench bleed your new master and slave cylinders before you install
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Well Hercules, although i can push 450lbs. on a leg press machine, i don't think i'm strong enough to snap a clutch pedal off. John has good pointers on repairing your rig.:D
lol thank you guys so much!!! I was really hoping it wasn't riveted in there like some of em are. I feel like such a dummy for trying to force it, but so freakin glad I can fix it!!!! you guys are life savers. I think I pooped a little when I realized what had happened!:redface: I was planning on doing the master and slave cylinders, but hadnt even thought about that line! how hard is that one to replace? and any suggestions on part finding for it? thanks again!

Difficulty level between 1-10. 1 fairly easy and 10 is difficult, i'd give it a 5 -4. I'm not sure if the lines are sold separate from the master and slave units but the last one i've replaced on a cherokee had a line already with the master cylinder and a quick connect going to the slave cylinder. Try calling a local Napa store and see if they can order it for you or search it on e-bay.
I had this happen on a 79 Dodge 1/2 ton with a Slant 6 and 3 on the tree. :roll: My mistake was loaning the truck to a "buddy". He brought me the truck back and handed me the clutch pedal w/ the keys. I pulled it apart and it had broke right at the factory weld; this was before I had my own welding machines so I took the rest out from under the dash and took the pieces to someone and they welded it back together for me.
That was a purely mechanical linkage setup not hydro.
Then about 2 years ago on my 97 TJ I had to swap frames (rust)
While I had teh engine/transmission/T case hanging on the Cherry picker I sprayed it down with BH-38 Degreaser and power washed it.
About a week later when I had it all back together I went to drive it aned the cluch pedal was extremely stiff; I thought I'd bent the fork (Thankfully not) The clutch itself was "stuck" to the engine and the pressure plate. I was able to get it started so I did so in gear and figured I'd go around the block; 50' later when I went to turn out of the driveway it broke free.
If yours has sat any length of time you may have the same thing going on; rust, moisture etc.
Alrighty guys! almost to that wonderful day of firing her up... All I have left is to bleed the brakes and bleed the clutch... just out of curiosity how do I bleed the clutch? sorry to keep askin dumb questions, but the way I see it its always better to ask then to say ah crap again!

And here is an image of my pedal lol! I thought it was pretty awesome.


  • oops!.jpg
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I hope you bench bled the master and slave before you installed
it will help make bleeding the complete system easier

to bleed easiest way is pump clutch pedal about 5 or 6 times then loosen relief valve on slave and let it gravity feed till flow don't have any more air in it and flowing evenly make sure you keep a eye on the fluid level in master till you retighten the valve