Heavy duty steering kit


Super Moderator
Well over the last eight months or so I have been working on making my jeep bomb proof, rock bomb proof that is.
I have about four different projects going on at this time.
Kirby Tank skid (yet to be purchased)
Rear disk brakes (waiting for slotted rotors)
Adding an 1.25 inches of lift (Arcos adjustable Spring perch's, bought 1 set still need to buy another)
And my heavy duty steering arm kit.
Well I just finished the first of this summers "ignore the honey do's list and work on the jeep list".

I had to have a custom tap made for the 11/16-24 left hand thread that the upper drag pitman arm uses to attach it to the upper tie rod that attach's to the drop pitman arm, that also included making a lock nut.
It seems that all of the local fastener places don't carry this nut or tap. But if you live in Detroit you can probably get one...I guess.

Well folks here is my version of of a heavy duty steering arm kit.

Well whadda think?
Yes I know I still have to touch up the paint...but after four hours on my back with a busted up thumb I this was a good point to stop.
Oh and a quick trip down to my local Big 'O" tires place to get it aligned.

Looks sharp. Now for some specs? Are the TRE's larger than stock? Where'd the draglink and tierod come from, look to be about ZJ size?

DId you have to ream out the steering knuckles? Have you considered moving the steering on top of the knuckles for less TRE angle and more steering clearance? I've seen some nice setups like yours flipped to the top of the steering arms using a RHD draglink.

I just bought a JCR steering system for the Mighty YJ. Not too soon either.

I had detected a gas leak while riding a trail last weekend. Found out that a hose clamp in my Kilby tank skid installation had backed off causing a small leak. Fixed it quick and easy, but discovered a small leak by the pinion gear seal and the passenger side rear axle seal. Those went to a mechanic ($500 with other little stuff).

The mech did say that the tie rod ends were loose and needed to be replaced. I had ordered the JCR system last week, so the timing was right. Was the steering system you installed tough to do?

Money pits are fun, aren't they?
