Having an issue with a hood prop


New member
My 76 CJ-5 didn't come with a hood prop so I ordered a replacement and I am having a hard time figuring out placement. Does anyone have pics of theirs? And where is the prop placed when the hood is up? I know that the rod is mounted into the hood. I can post pics of my jeep shortly but if anyone has any ideas, suggestions or pics that can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

P.S….don't see holes for retainer clip either.


Ours has one but I have never used it so I will have to go look
OK, we don't have it but my buddies cj7 has it. It hooks into a little hole to the left of the latch, in front of the radiator
Its now 10pm my time….guess where Im headed? To the garage... Thanks for the info now I gotta go put it in….shiny….stainless…almost orgas……you know :) Its shiny and new!

Gosh, I didn't know they had one. I just prop mine on the windshield...
I used to do the same until I refinished the hood and started thinking that the propping it un the windshield was the reason for the dent and why I got the paint refinished in the first place. Realized there was a hood prop missing.

Problem fixed at 11pm last night! In my pajamas and fuzzy slippers…yup, thats how I roll when I want to fix something in the jeep…makes no difference if I have on a formal formal dress, tshirt and jeans or pi's the jeep is getting done!

Yes, after seeing the picture of your 76, I understand the need for a hood prop. Maybe some day I will need to worry about my paint. It is great running into a lady, who enjoys the vintage Jeeps. Most would go for the auto everything on the new ones. They do get a lot of looks when driving down the road.
Is yours the 304,with 3 speed?

PS: Tomorrow my Braves will have their way with your brewers....
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Yes, Addie (my Jeep) has a 304 3 speed in her. I have a friend of mine who does auto body work so when he's in between projects he comes and takes pieces to work on. She's solid and the things that are wrong with her are minor and cosmetic. I lucked out in finding this Jeep. The previous owner didn't drive it as it belonged to her hubby who passed away the year before. She said that out of all the peeps who looked at her she knew I needed it because of the way that I looked at it :) She was offered more money than what I gave her but she said she knew where the Jeep/Addie belonged. I am forever in the lil old lady's debt!!!!

And I have been so ever grateful since.

Pardon me for hijacking your thread , but in Tison78__CJ5's absence , I thought I would answer your question. The Braves are an Atlanta team and the Brewers are Minnesotans ? I believe .
Not real good with the Midwestern teams , sorry.
just looked it up , sorry , they are Wisconson :redface:
Lol greg92….completely okay….but never compare us Brewer fans to Twins (MN) fans :) Im a huge baseball fanatic (yep, I know….I am a girl) and love my team good or bad. Are you a Yankees fan being from NY? Was just out there in the big city in October. Took my daughter for her birthday. Going from a town of 3k to 3 million was a huge thing for her. I've been there 8 times and love every minute of it but wouldn't trade my farm living for the city.
Thank you taralynn :beer: ! Hey , absolutely NOTHING wrong with a girl being a sports fan or fanatic ! I love it ! I also think its great that women are not afraid to venture into sports or occupations that are thought by some to be manly. I think that woman should decide for themselves what they like and do it ( such as four wheeling) and the rest of the world can enjoy what they like . I never liked judgemental persons. I'll try never to make that mistake , never want to do that when a sports fan is very proud of their team. Every city and state is proud of their teams and I think that's great ! Really glad your daughter had the chance to see new York , she must have been really excited and I hope it was a wonderful experience for her , and you , every time you visited. I couldn't make my mind up growing up if it was the mets or Yankees that I rooted for more , but I was more interested , believe it or not , in how another team played against them. For example ; I saw a hockey game with the jersey devils and the Florida lighting and I will tell you , Florida was a tough team ! You know something ? I'll bet you get anyone from the city to go see your farm and you'll find more than you'll think would trade their city life to live on a farm such as yours . Farm work is really hard and long days but the peace and solitude is why I call it "Gods country ". Just beautiful and down to earth. Real people too , who got time to be human. Thanks Taralynn , best luck to you , your little girl , your jeep and your home team !

I agree on all levels :) Girls can do anything…I have three kids (1 girl and 2 boys) and my girl out "boys" the boys everyday :)
Agreed . I remember the first girl whom I grew up with was as into sports as any guy. She was a gymnast and she played tackle with us. We thought we should take it light because she was a girl but we quickly learned she could play the line or run with the ball just like any guy. You didn't want to be opposed on the line of scrimmage with her, she'll mow you down !
Love it when I see woman in big rigs . We got girls driving buses too like any guy, no difference.
Not to be chauvanist , but I'll never forget the first girl I ever saw step from a 4x4.
Was in the summer of '88 and she stepped out of a F-150 with a six inch lift , four speed top loader and two,speed t-case manual hubs. Got a good look at the truck to. But she was every bit a woman and I was proud ! Was,in love too ! She must have just came from the pool 'cause she still had on her bikini and was running into the store I was going to. Saw me looking as I drove past but took it in stride. When she was walking out , she smiled 'cause she knew it was me so I smiled back and said " I really like your truck " . She smiled and said " thank you " I wished her a good day and said good bye . Guess she smiled 'cause she knew I was shy. That changed my whole world about how I thought woman should do anything they want ! Still feel the same .
Hi Taralynn,
Well, sometimes I think my braves are an elementary school baseball team, then nap time is over, and they play "for a while".
If they would listen to me, yelling at the TV, they would win more!
Oh well.
I plan to restore my Jeep, minus the factory green paint, to as close to original as I can.
The last owner builds race car engines for a living, so the engine is built, and tuned headers, with glass packs.
I almost need ear protection to drive.
When I am ready to do a full restore, I will put a pair of mufflers on it.
Have a great day...

I yell at the television all the time. Used to scare my kids' friends…now when they hear me yell its all about "your mom must be watching the game". I had three brothers and no sisters so it was either play with the boys or get left behind. So while I enjoy a great skirt and heels I prefer to do it climbing in and out of my jeep :) I have taught my children to live outside of their stereotypes. I have a son who loves to cook and has hopes of being a chef someday, one who is a gear head like his mom and my daughter has no clue what she wants to do…if she could get muddy in a formal dress she would do it :) Loves a good dare like her mom…omg, I just realize she is me…just 20 years ago (I am soooo in trouble)
I think it happens to all who raise kids.
Mine are all grown. I had two boys, and twin girls. The youngest is 30 now.
The oldest son is just like me. He got into much more trouble, but only because he got caught.
It is real hard to scold a child when you did the same thing, when you were young.
I grew up during the Woodstock era, so sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
Thank God, they are all great humans, with a good future.
Oh well, have a great one, and GO BRAVES......ha

^^^^Got it all ready for you. Let me know when you need it. I can deliver it in the Jeep