Have an SUV? You may support a terrorist!


New member

There are commercials on TV that now say that if you own an SUV that you support terrorists! They say that the money you spend on gas for an SUV, NOT ANY OTHER CAR only on an SUV, that the money goes to terrorists! The adds are like those drug ones that say if you use drugs that the money goes to terrorists. [addsig]

Your SUV aint no Jeep, and my Jeep anit no SUV! hehehehehe Now I got to have one of them bumperstickers for sure.

If I get the chance, I will support me a terrorist! Support him across the hood of my Jeep like a big ol 8 point buck with his toung hanging out!

They need to look into the real terrorist support networks like the thousands of forigin owned and opperated hotels and motels in the USA just to mention one.

The commercials arent really putting down the SUV's but the people that buy them. The point is here is waste...SUV's (not really jeeps) are mainly large gas guzzling beasts (IE...tahoe, excursion, suburban). These huge vehicles are bought for grocery getters and soccer mom rides. They are bad for the economy and bad for the enviroment (suv's do not have to meet the same air pollution standards as passenger cars)...most people really do not NEED these monstrosities...they just buy them because they are big, fancy, and look good. So maybe the gas we buy supports terrorists...but these ppl buy gas guzzling cars for NO REASON therefore are supporting the terrorists more when they could have bought a smaller, more economic car that would have equally met their needs.[addsig]

I was actually going to post the same thing that RayOvac said until I saw he posted it. The only issue I still have with these commercials however are the fact that they're using their ads to target the little guy and fight another battle, that of the anti-SUV battle. And like it or not fellow jeepers, jeeps are close enough to get caught in the crossfire if this turns ugly. If these ads wanted to address the issue of oil money going to terroists, it should address it to the higher ups who are responsible for either where we get our gas or to those that funnel the money to these organizations. So what if SUV's burn alot of gas, all cars burn gas. (should we outlaw the great american muscle cars too?!?) So if the ad wants to attack the little guy who buys gas it should attack every car make and model, because wether it takes $5 or $50 to fill your tank in this ads statement that money would still goes to terroists. If this ad wanted to make sense it would tell us to not buy gas at all.

These stupid ads try to protray that only money from SUV's go to terroists, yeah you spend more on them, but the philosophy is still the same. All these ads are doing is to take what these damn organizations do and use that to fuel their fire for the anti-SUV movement. Those damn people in the commercials (they should be deported because anyone that says those things in a commericial like this is not a real american) instead of saying that buying gas helped them "hijack a plane" or what have you might as well say that buying food in a grocery store helped to do the same damn thing because the link to that is so damn far removed and insignificant.

Sorry if I went off, I live to close to where 9/11 happened, ive been there, I know people who were directly affected and I know people who saw it happen, and trying to say americans are responsible in the least bit is BS.

How about getting off your high horse and let people be themselves... What about all those guys who work at the refineries??? Guess they don't matter because they don't fit into your perspective of what is good or bad for the economy...

I guess those guys who drive trains, jets, and semis across the country are terrorist supporting commie bastards too... They use lots of gas...

Sorry if this sounds like a flame, but it really gets my blood boiling when people need to make themselves feel better by demonizing other people...

Look at it this way, after SUVs are outlawed, what is next??? Jeeps??? Any gas powered car??? Alternative fuel vehicles??? All internal combustion engines??? First, they dictate what you can or cannot drive, next they dictate where you can and cannot go, then what you can and cannot do, and who you can and cannot be... Sounds a little like communism to me...

This country is slowing turning from majority rule to minority rule... I for one don't wanna see that happen... Socialism and communism suck almost as much as fascism... Stop being part of the problem and leave my personal rights alone...[addsig]


Erhild, I hope that you didnt get the wrong impression of my post and direct your post at me. Im not sure if you took my post the wrong way, but re-read it again if you did, im on your side.[addsig]

The woman that sponsors the adds, Ariana Huffington, will outright say that the adds are against the SUV's, themselves. She said in an interview that SUV's are an unnesesary <sp> evil and are responsible for ruining the enviroment. She was then asked, "What about airplanes?" She said that they are nescesary. The interviewer then asked how many airplanes she owns and she got all mad and said, "This has nothing to do with SUV's." It was great. Personally, if it angers people that much that I drive an SUV, then I'm buying more. Now the New York Times is trying to say that SUV's are uncool. They are saying that less people are buying them, Hmm, then how come I have seen 10 brand new H2 hummer's here in Albuquerque. Those things are so new and I've already seen alot of them. It took over a year before I saw 10 2002 Dodge Ram 1500's on the street.

Erhild, ummm if you're directing your comments to me, you're wasting webspace.
I own only big trucks, except for my Jeep. I was posting this to show everyone how we're looked at by liberals.[addsig]

Eh....his post was probably directed towards me. I have to admit this is a free country and if people want to spend $40,000 on a massive, never will use 4wd on, gas guzzling, monster of an SUV to take their kids to soccer practice and to go buy groceries in....thats their right and more power to em....sorry if my opinions offended anyone.[addsig]


NP, RayO...

Just get a little sick of seeing the rights of the majority getting trampled daily because of a small vocal minority...

I feel the same way about the Greenies...

But, you drive a Jeep®, so you're cool in my book...[addsig]

Thanks erhild...I do agree with you there...it is sad when the majority's rights are removed buy a small minority. The sad thing is it happens everyday...at this rate our pastime of 4wheeling may just be something we tell our grandkids about instead of doing it with them.

If we show up to city counsel meetings, write to people in government and be the squeeky wheel that the envirofreaks are, we'll keep our sport!



No offense to any greenies.... but there's nothing some bolt cutters, chain saws, and big tires can't stop.... We drive Jeeps.... we WILL not be stopped[addsig]

RayOvac...remember those rights you are talking about can only be changed by the representatives of the majority. Thats whats great about democracy. I agree with bigTlilODD, go to your local government meetings and get them to work for you.[addsig]


Lets (as jeepers) just claim to be a minority and bitch about being discriminated against. Works for every other minority that has used that tactic.[addsig]

Already useing this on the national forest service to get some trails open to our use. The hunters get to use the trails, the atvs got trails, horses and hikers and on and on it is the full size orv that is suffering how is that for Minority crys. Tug

The Triton V8 is in the F150 AND the Expodition, so why just SUVs, what about pickups? Same hardware, less seats. Anyway, what am i supposed to use to tow a boat and RV? Not some 3 banger Geo metro thats for damn sure. I guess i'll have to buy some horses.[addsig]


its not about how much gas you use its about where you buy your gas, not all of the gasoline manufactures get their oil from terrorists, for instance exxon/mobile, texaco, etc...so get your gas there and who gives a shit how much gas you use, its only $$$ outa your wallet[addsig]