just a couple of ideas - 1) if it still looks like it's lacking .25" or so this time, take a critical measurement from the inside (closest to the block) of the outer balancer ring to , say, the block. Check another 350 of approx. year for said measurement and compare. (not a prefered method) 2) after installed, remove installer tool and take a sledge and LIGHTLY tap the center of the balancer a few times. If you have ever had the feel of a component that is not seated when struck in this way, the feel and sound is more of a "thud/clunk" and the sledge doesn't bounce back much. If that puppy IS seated against the crank timing gear properly, then when you tap the balancer, you will receive a joyous sound, more of a "clang" and the sledge will bounce back a bit more than if not seated. This is a method I use every rebuild to verify if the balancer is trully against the timing gear. Be advised that this is only a sound/feel process and damage can occur to your thrust bearing if you hammer too hard (please guys, no hate mail!) If that doesn't work, get a bigger hammer (joke!) LBR