Happy Paragon Trails

A quick note to those going to Paragon this weekend.

I can't be there with you in Jeep, but I will be there with you in spirit.

Happy trails and a jolly journey!


PS: We want pictures!
WOW, just got back from paragon, it was a blast!!!! :D i finally got to meet jeepz.com members and do some wheelin (well what i could with my street tires!). it definitely rocked, and we saw some crazy things (i'll wait for pictures to be posted for stories to go along with them!). too bad you guys couldn't be there. i know someone is going to mention this, so i might as well just add that i blew a tire in the first 5-10 minutes. lucky for me, that was my only real damage (the arb bumper handled a tree very well though...). i'm sure more stories and pictures will follow. :D

Just got back as well, this is Chris, thought I was a member of this forum, but guess not, just registered will be here often. I wish I brought my camera, but it will be cool to see everyone else's pictures

very cool.. glad all went well.... We'lll be at paragon next week breaking the GC in... :)
Paragon was awesome. I just got back too.

It was great to be able to put faces with all of these names. I took some pics and Im going to post them on my site asap. Ill post the link for them here.

The 7 hour drive to get there was kinda tiring, but the cb talk made the time fly. Here's my "to do list:" buy a cb radio that doesnt look like an 80 walkman.

Too bad there isnt a channel 41. That could have been the universal Jeep channel.
Well Aloha everyone!

Lady Jeep and Z are back in the flatlands. lol We finally made it here. We just wanted to post that we had a totally smashing time!!!! :lol: :twisted: :lol:

That was THE most fun I've ever had in my jeep and I am so proud of my 4cyl and kuhmo tires. lol I just love that upgrade.

Awesome time meeting everyone and all got great pics so we can share our fun times!

Tom, Mike and Bruce, all hands up to you for being good sports and leading us out these two days. You have made us stockers smile BIG.

Take care all and Jeep on!

Heather :lol:

I too had an awesome time at Paragon!!! I will be posting a link to some pictures from Saturday soon. Thanks to all of the leaders (especially for waiting for me to fill up my tires at the end of the day).
I had a great day on Sunday at Paragon also. A big thanks to the guides, they were great. It was great meeting people from the site. Hey you guys that we thier on saturday. What happened you all left. I was hoping to meet you all when I came sunday but half the crew left. Well it looks like we all had a good time and thats what counts. Hope to meet everyone at another trip.
Buy the way I just have to say that the woman on this trip were incredible.
They had no problem dragging those stock trucks through fields of rocks scraping and banging the hole way. They looked like they didnt have a care in the world except making it thru. High lift jacks, pileing rocks and stumps under the tires, mud coming in through the doors. Didnt bother them. Theres just nothing like seeing a girls jeep hung up in the rocks with the wheels spinning in the air and a smile on her face. Awesome. I have seen guys in these situations pouting like a bitch. :wink:

Jeepz.com Caps and Shirts.

Hey Ladyjeepfreak your Jeep is Flame red? I couldn't tell. LOL
Hey all!
I am watching these posts carefully for pictures and detailed adventure stories! Can't wait to see what I missed, but won't miss next time! Wish I had gone on this one too... Glad to hear there was no major damages. Go Red Sox! I was thinking of you all as I was in my Jeep on pavement this weekend. See you soon. :)
I am assuming that when you say, Girl, Stuck, and smile that has to be Laura! Again wish I could have stayed for sundays event but was just not in the cards.

Random, don't feel bad about blowing a tire, I was the first to get stuck! and 87chevy also had a tire change. And do we want to revisit mike's driveshaft whoos!

Had a blast, The ol YJ performed awesome as did everyone else's We should do this again, but more people!


yeah johnny, i'm glad mine was only a tire!! i must admit, anytime we came upon another big mud hole, i'm like where's johnny? he'll test it out for us like a champ! :wink:
dont feel bad about the blown tire.. thats how pasmokeater earned the nickname "stumpy" .... he put a stump through his sidewall.. about a 3" hole!

ahh yes, i think remember asking him to explain that nickname. just got the tire fixed, oil changed and dropped off the film. oh yeah, i also got my first muddy jeep comment from an old lady!!!! :D