Glare Guards


New member
I know their not a fashion statement to be had but I NEED a pair of those Glare gurads that go under the off road lights mounted on the windshield.
Anyone Know where I can find some?

are they like blinders, for a horse?

maybe cut some from some thicker dark plastic, if you have to for now
I know their not a fashion statement to be had but I NEED a pair of those Glare gurads that go under the off road lights mounted on the windshield.
Anyone Know where I can find some?

What kind of light do you have on the windshield?? Fog, driving or long range? The KC long range do well in this with little glare. How do you have them positioned? Ahead or with the headlights.

And Yes Q-Tec carries them.

They are KC long range and their ahead of the headlights but I think I know what your thinking, I am going to aim them a little further out and see what happens.