Gauges Switching Off


New member
I have a 1990 jeep wrangler yj and I took my Gauges out the other day to but new one's in. ( stock gauges ). They work great but when I turn my headlights on I loose all power going to the gauges. They go completly dead. When I switch the headlights off the Gauges come back. :???:. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm guessing you have a bad ground somewhere that shares the circuit with the lamps.
Re-trace all the connectors you have dis-connected and re-connected. Also, you can do a what i call a wiggle test. With the engine @ idle, headlamps on, wiggle the connectors and see if the instrument cluster intermittently comes back on. If you touched or disturbed the loose connection, it will be a lot easier to find the circuit responsible for the inop gauges when they show response to the wiggle.
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good advice. either that or whip out the test light for 6 hrs
Thank's alot steelheadz. Turns out that it was a bad ground with the circuit with the lamps. Everything is working good as new.