gas prices


New member
the price of gas is like sky rocketing.. it was just 64cents per litre last week and now its a dollar :shock: how can you afford to drive?? and its just supposed to keep climbing... sooon it'll be like.. i remember when you could buy a litre of gas for a dollar... WTF!!! stop raising the gas prices :( i'm going broke

just for you americans 1 US gallon = 3.7854118
so its aproximatly 3.79 a gallon for me to fill up :( this just licks :cry:

Re: RE: Front hitch

is that $3.79 US dollars, or Canadian dollars?

Here in good old Eugene, Oregon....It's about $2.45 for regular. Middle grade is about $2.55. Premium is around $2.65. And, to top it off, diesel is around $2.65-$2.85

Filling up my Chevy's two 30 gallon tanks (60 gallons total) really hurts...especially since it runs on premium and gets about 5-6 mpg at the best :roll:
Here in Michigan, you can find regular for somewhere in the neighborhood of $2.27-$2.35, depending on how close you are to the freeways, or Woodward Avenue... That's up from the same time LAST WEEK being around $2.17...

canadian.. so that will be what... right now 1 canadian dollar is the equivelent to approx 1.22 american
if i did the math correctly thats like 4.62 american

correct me if i'm wrong.. i may have messed up somewhere
Re: Lockers and what's wrong with my wussy TJ

Ants your supposed to divide by 1.22 so 3.79 canadian is 3.10 american. Gas prices are crazy. We gotta get going on finding alternative energy or more freaking oil.

Hey I got the cheapest gas. $2.15 for regular here on the cape. Ill ship to ya for cheap :wink:
Might have to take you up on that, think that the State is thinking about adding more tax to our gas... Which is about the last thing we need! :shock:
Ya, we just got something like $.05 more added to our gas tax. Doesn't sound like a lot, but it sure adds up fast!!

And, they claim it will go to improving the roads around here, but I doubt that will happen. They try to fix the roads, but they always turn out a lot worse than how they were to begin with.

judge09 said:
..............We gotta get going on finding alternative energy or more freaking oil.

The dinosaurs are long gone.....there's only so much oil, and it aint here. I say we nominate XJNick for Prez in '08!!! And I think we all should be thinking along those lines. ALTERNATIVE energy!! Hey, we're the smartest folks in the world, right?!?!?!?
2.13 yesterday, which is good and bad.. Lowest I found but still 30 bucks to fill after some rock playing. I see the motorcyle coming out more and more this summer. Aver I see out here is between 2.19-2:30 for reg
RE: Dieseling on shut down

I bought a Motorcycle today, I figured with the gas prices that I could save over $150 just in gas a month. I commute 40 miles a day round trip. I spend well over two hundred dollars a month in gas. Maybe not a solution to energy problems but sure a solution on my wallet.

Motorcycles are definatly the way to go right now!!!

Sure can't beat their gas mileage.....and they're FUN!!!
RE: OBA question

Well oil prices dropped a bit towards the end of this week. That's a plus. Hopefully the beginning of a trend.

for 89, i've seen $2.69 through $2.89; i'm glad i filled up last week when it was $2.49.
RE: Re: Hello..........

We're setting at $2.19 right now...hope it hang and doesn't het like some of you guys..and gals..ANTS, I feel for ya!

Around $2.26 for 87 octane right now, although I just found out that the town 7 miles west of me has been having price wars all week, and gas was going for $2.05 over there!!!! Just my luck.....I missed it.