Clunking noise when braking
Sparky wrote:
Well, supposedly, there has been a refinery fire so one of them is shut down (scanned the web for news of a recent refinery fire, couldn't find any),
Try this link for the story. BTW it was a pretty big story, 14 people died last month.
Everyone should understand that crude oil is traded on the stock exchange like most commoditys are. Futures traders read forcast and either bet high or low (they want to make a profit) on how the whole supply demand thing looks for the future.
Your local gas station is more than likley not to blame, in fact they are having to pay an average of $3500 more for a 8500 gallon load of fuel than they were this time last year. That takes more captital and much tighter money skills to keep afloat.
Whose to blame?? Thats the $64,000 dollar question.
Even if we had and unlimited cheap supply of crude, the USA has not built a new refinery in almost 40 years.
Don't we all agree that there are more cars on the road now than back then and the demand is close to double? We can only refine so much per day and when all the refineries are running elbows and *% you know what, when something breaks, there goes the supply down.
BTW, companies who own refineries now are making good money. So why if it is so profitable, how come have investors not built any new ones?
Answer is that just in order to find land to build one, you have to do a 5 to 7 year enviornmental impact study first, and get all kinds of approvals. Just too much government red-tape in my opinion, then the people who lived within 20 miles would pitch a fit and call their congressman to have it blocked.
You see, fellow jeepers, we all want cheap, reliable, clean energy.
Just NOT IN MY neighborhood!!
The wind-turbine industry is proof positive. These companies like Seawest, PFLE, and GE can put up a wind turbine farm of 100 wind towers and make enough clean energy to take care of 35,000 houses. But nearly everywhere they try to go in, people pitch a fit because they are "ugly". Now if you own land that they want to put a tower on, they become beautiful because every month you get a nice check for around $3000.00 for rent from them.
So for my 2 cents, about 20 years of bad or no energy policy at all, and allowing OPEC to flood the world market with cheap crude when ever they want, causing domestic drilling to halt, then when we are not producing, guess what, OPEC cuts production and raises the prices!! Duhh
We have allowed it to happen to ourselves, we only gripe when gas gets too high and are not concerned about anything else excecpt what movies to go see on the weekends...
Sorry for the rant,