fuel pump?


New member
So I was driving home from Cincinnati to Louisville the other day and stopped to fill up and everything was going fine. When i got to downtown Louisville and decelerated, my 1992 YJ started sputtering and shaking. I stopped to check it out and it sounded terrible while it was idling, but I took and chance and tried to get it across town and home. The oil was full and nothing appeared to be leaking and the engine looked OK. When I got about 5 miles farther and stopped at a light, it began to knock pretty loudly, then died. It will still turnover, but will not start (almost as if it is out of gas). Any ideas?


sounds like you got some bad gas... probably some water in it.... you can try some dry gas and see if it helps...
hmmm that happened to me i would drain the gass and fill up with the good stuff and some injector cleaner or carb cleaner
Just got off the phone with the mechanic. He says that I am loosing pressure in my 3rd valve and that if it is not a seal leaking, then it is a hole in the valve or a piston problem. If this is what it is, then he says I will need to rebuild the engine.

So, would it be better just to buy a rebuilt engine and then sell this piece of crap for something dependable, or should i get a 2nd opinion?


the fact that you gassed up right before it happened says he may be wrong. i'd get a second opinion...