Fuel Pump Electrical/help


New member
My 89 YJ has the 95 mopar fuel injection. In the process of going to a 20 gallon tank I have lost the power to the pump, worked fine before pulling the tank. The positive lead has been traced to a relay, I popped a new in to see if it was bad with no joy. I'm at a loss as to why there is no power, is there a safety shut off if there is no fuel pressure or another reason? Any help is sure welcome.

Stab in the dark here but with the 20 gallon tank is the fuel pick up submersed in gas? The 20 gallon version is deeper than stock.
I don't even have the pump connected just checked the leads. I'm going to hook up the pump and put gas in the tank today. I'm hoping there is a no pressure cut off somewhere in the circuit. The tank has the correct internal pump. Has anyone run out of gas, do I need to prime the system like a diesel? Thanks for the help.
I ran my jeep out if gas on purpose about a week ago,was going to change the gas gauge sending unit. Didnt get around to doing it and I needed the jeep.Put a couple of gallons of gas in it, had no problem starting it up.

I put gas in the tank hooked up the pump and it started right up. Must be a no/low pressure cut off which cuts the electricity to the pump and thank you it does not need to be primed.