fuel delivery


New member
need advice: what is the best way to check if my fuel pump is delivering fuel to the carb.? i can't get my 90 wrangler running. I would really rather not drop the tank, trying to find an easier way. I have replaced the distributor cap, bug and ignition control module so far, and still no results. any help would be appreciated. thanks!!

alright disconect your fuel line from your carb then put it over some type of container and have somebody turn the motor over for you and if any gas comes out of the line into the container then it is not your fuel pump. if no gas comes out then it is most likely your fuel pump. get back with me and tell me how it went
If you're running the stock carb on the '90 that's your likely culprit, the Carter carb is junk. Do a web search for the Motorcraft 2100 swap.