Found a forgotten trail today


New member

To day I was messing around in a short trail area called Dark Hollow, Found what looked to be a trail of sorts and followed it to find it a bit grown up but still there. Came to a place where it just kinda went either up or down and being just my son Will and myself in my jeep stoped and turned back. Going back with at least two next time to see the ends of that trail. Thought you might like to see just how lost this trail has become. Sad to see a good off road area not being used.

You can just make out the trail as I go. Took a better part of a half hour following bits and pieces of this trail till we turned around.

This is a section where you actually see the trail in the pic!

This ol timer was left behind, picked clean over the years just a frame and some sheet metal.

Will took this one of a deep creek bed crossing. No water now just a very small trickle but back in the winter storms I know that it was rolling!

edited by: Tug-n-pull, May 24, 2003 - 06:39 PM[addsig]


That looks like a fun trail.I like'em all over grown like that. :wink: Sully[addsig]

I've got a few of them around here... thanks for reminding me, i haven't been to them since i had the blazer... i like that old flipped vehicle.... looks like a suburban or something similar, the paint still looks pretty nice too, that's unusual... had to be a while since anyone has seen that. I'll have to get back on my forgottens[addsig]


That's awesome Tug! Keep the pics coming! Put your top on again I see!!![addsig]

Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain what is a body to do! Momma Tug wont ride to church with me if the top is off and it is raining so we will give it a week or two to get all hot and dry again. tug[addsig]

Hey Papa Tug, Thanks for the pics. It looks like a great trail. And don't let the rain get you to down, just think of all the nice mudd holes it will leave behind, :lol: :lol:

OlllllO :cool: [addsig]


we are getting some rain at this very moment... i'm looking forward to the mud holes[addsig]

You are a very lucky man tug, having trails so close to your house. I only have an old quarry about 10 mins form my house, but its not a place you go alone. I have seen huge trucks get stuck in some of the worse parts and I don't want to be one of them. Other than that the closest off-roading place is paragon and thats about 45 minutes away for now (come August I'm off to college 5 mins from paragon). I'm looking forward to some fun times there.
