Fog light malfunction


New member
Ok.....It's been a long time since I've posted anything here, but that's because I've been deployed for a year. Anyway, I'm back now, and I just dug the Jeep out of the garage today and the fog lights are giving me troubles. I have a 2001 Wrangler with the stock fog lights and it seems there may be a short circuit in the switch on the column.

The lights stay on now even when the selector is not in the "on" position. Any one have any experience taking this column apart before? I also vaguely remember there being a recall notice from Chrysler concerning the wiring in the column being susceptible to water. Does this sound familiar to anyone? The Jeep has been stored all year in the garage with no chance of any water damage.


I'm not so familiar with TJ's, but sounds like the relay is stuck...
Is this relay in the switch handle or the steering column? I'm sure I'll probably end up taking the whole thing apart, but it would be nice to know where to start looking.

Welcome back,I would check the relay first before opening up the column.
Tj's fog light power runs through the switch. They relay is there to turn them off when high beams are triggered. Power runs from the switch then through the normally closed side of the relay. When high beams are turned on the coil is triggered and the relay switches to the normally open side turning off the fog lights. To test if it is the switch or the relay flip on your high beams. If the lights turn off then the relay is working. If they stay on you have an issue some where around the relay.