First Trip With My Cherokee


New member
well yesterday me and my friends went on a trip to the mts and i got my cherokee through some mud, pretty good trip it was about 2 hours long, burned a quater tank of gas and my friend in the explorer hit 3 trees that a record for us, thankfully i didnt hit any and hopefully it will stay that way lol, well i tried to post the pics of image station but it was down so when it gets back up i'll post and let ya'll know

ok my images are huge in size and all are over 1MB a pic, i was wondering how to i resize a pic on my computer to make it smaller so they arnt as big in size and memory, they are already in jpeg format, all of the pics are like 1800x2200 somewhere around that size
I just got through fixing my drivers door, got side swipped by a speeding tree. Got a little to comfortable, driving down a muddy trail. Sure glad it didn´t get my mirror or mess up the window rails. I´ve got a set of side rails/steps, that never have seemed to do anything, but get hung up on stumps.
Treat your XJ right and get a set of ramps, drive it up on the ramps, one side at a time, and wash the mud out from underneath, at the guarter wash. A bonzai run through a big rain puddle, also helps. Winters coming, salt gets in the mud and causes rot. Sand gets in the seals, brake drums and such, wears things out. Grease is a Jeepers best friend.

oh i know ALL about salt rot.... i've got lots and lots of body work to do once this welder is paid for