Finally got trail pics....


New member
RE: What Kind of tires?

I know...its been way to longsince I joined JEEPZ, but I finally got a few action pics today. It was just a joy ride out to the Hunting Club.....but at least its not a "Driveway Shot".....speaking of...I took the "driveway shot out on my sig and replaced it with one of the trail shots....bout time huh?

found a little mud.....

small flex....have never used my disconnects yet....

Will try for more soon.....

RE: Re: RE: Hurricane

Yeah, it's about time!!! :P

JK. Nice pics, love the mud shot (of course). And that's a sweet lookin' TJ (Black, like mine!). Is that your DD?
RE: When did I become a

Yep its a daily driver. but only about a 6 mile drive to town one not too bad.

PS....sorry Mud..It's Forrest Green.....poor lighting...was overcast today...but was 72 deg.!!!!!!!! 8)
Wanted the top down...but kept running into little rain "sprinkles"
RE: When did I become a

Sweet, none the less!! Maybe I'll get Lucille lookin' like that one of these days, but she's a 4banger so there's gearing issues. Maybe I can at least get my sig lookin' like that!! Nice job!

This ol Jeeper is a 4 banger as well......go with 4.88 if you wanna run the big meats!
big meat... hah sorry couldnt resist. nice pics, whats up with the ultra wide winch plate though? ahhhhhhh swampers....
Yeah the winch plate is a solid piece of 5"x6" angle iron. I was going to just run it between the frame but decided to run it the length of the factory bumper for added bumper strength. (seeing as how wife and daughter had already bent the right side of bumper! Had a hell of a time getting it back straight...thats another story) The whole thing cost less than $25 bucks.