Everyone ready for the end of the world?


Staff member
So what is everyone doing to get ready for tomorrow's end of the world? I guess I should be stocking up on toilet paper or something. It figures that this would have to happen on a Friday...

For those not up on their Mayan doom and gloom:

The end of the world as we know it? Friday, December 21st is the day some say the Mayan calendars predict an apocalypse.The ancient Maya kept a calendar that ends on Friday, when some say the world will end. Others suggest this is a misinterpretation of their time-keeping system.
That day has some people prepping, while others are partying.
Whatever you believe about the doomsday craze, the buzz is building as the day gets closer.
Dr. Byron McCane, a religion professor at Wofford College, says these apocalyptic prophecies follow a typical story line.
"The notion that we are all headed for some terrible fate, unless we find some way to stop it, that one goes back in the books of the Bible," said Dr. McCane.
He says these prophecies often come at a time when there's anxiety about the world around us.
"When folks are looking at retirement accounts that they had built all their lives and suddenly they were worth half or less than half of what they used to be, that can certainly feel like the world's coming to an end," he explained.
Mayan Doomsday Prediction? | WSPA

oh man, i never got my engine swap started!!! i am not ready


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I'm trying to convince the bill collectors that there is no point paying if them this month if the world is gonna end. They say i still have to pay. But if the world ends then there's not gonna be any bank account to pull the money from.
For some reason they don't like that answer either.
I have opened up my yard for every to drop off all there valuables since they will not need them any more.Shiny items on the left please.

I will be airborne early morning going home! If it ends two things for sure; i have a great view, and i will die a Jeep owner...is their really anything else?
Well I paid all my bills for this month. Just happy to know I am not leaving any money in the bank when I go tomorrow, either way think I am going to sleep in, just might miss it that way.
Here it comes

BEIJING, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Nearly 1,000 members of a doomsday cult in China have been arrested for spreading rumors about the apocalypse, supposedly coming Friday, officials said. The cult -- a Christian group called Almighty God -- predicts Friday, the last day in the Mayan long count calendar, will bring with it three days of darkness and has urged its members to overthrow Communism, the BBC reported God Almighty members have been seen passing out leaflets about the apocalypse and spreading rumors about the end of the world. To calm nationwide anxieties about the apocalypse, police in Beijing have posted an online a notice telling people "the so-called end of the world is a rumor."

Read more: 1,000 God Almighty doomsday cult members arrested in China - UPI.com
Sooo this is the big END OF DAYS....... Some how i expected something a little more, you know apocalyptic.

I'm ready for it,getting comfortably numb and kinda giggley, life is good.

1:00pm PST time here and all's still good. Anyone got the memo on what time this shin-dig is supposed to start?

I'm not giggley or numb right now,i've got a headach and at low growl stage. but life is good.