Evap in A/C Leaking


New member
Well story is, charged it, leaked down in 24hrs., dealer vac, dye, charged it, leaked down in 24hrs.(dye@evap) charged it w/ 8oz. super stop and 12 oz.134, leaked down in 24 hrs.
I looked at the manual and a 97 is a 4-5 hr job (me probably 10hrs)
Dealer est. $700.00/$800.00 that includes the vac, recharge, parts and labor. :?|
Any other leak stop to try that you know of? I know it gotta be a bad leak if it goes down in 24hrs. I can charge it and run the A/C all day and it works great, next morning nothing!
Me, I can run an extra hose from the windsheild washer fluid (water) and run it to the dash and spray for a nice cool blast, but she doesn't think its funny! ............. Looks like it's A/C time:rofl:

LOL, yeah, no sense of humor i tell y'a. Here's my take on stop leaks. Once you introduce this substance to the system, your probbably gonna end up with more problems later and more expense for that matter. Even if it plugs up the leak at the evaporator, the rest of that substance is eventually gonna end up plugging up the orifice tube filter, with that plugged up, no a/c. Back to square one. Since it's already leaked out, why dont you just pull the dash off and the HVAC assembly and replace the evaporator yourself. A million screws and a few hundred wires to disconnect will save you over seven hundred dollars. Just a suggestion. With alll the knowlegable crew we have in this forum, we can walk you through it.