Do you heat with firewood?

Of course, I'm in the SW, so having fire for just ambiance as opposed to necessity is easy for me to say. Just yesterday I was wearing a short sleeved shirt. Hee hee...sorry to the more continental, inland, northern, and east coast folks. Brrrrrrrr.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Do you heat with firewood?

Sorry, bosh and fie! Give me 10 feet of snow and a temperature of 30 any day. Makes curling up next to said fire all the more peaceful...

RE: just a shout out

Tug-n-pull said:
Grew up busten wood no more not even for the looks and smells just pop in a video of a fire and call er done! I like the natural gas heated air blowing up through the floor! tug

Hunting your own meat, cutting your own wood, heating and cooking over a fire, is all part of the image Tug.

Geez Tug, sounds like your turning into a Metro :lol: man. Your beginning to sound almost civilized.