In all honesty, for 33's, an 8.8 would be just fine. johnny, what you mention is right, but honestly do you think an 8.8 will not last with 33's? I mean, no axle is indestructable, but I wheel my Super D35 with 33's and ARB locker (over 2 years now) and still I have not had an issue. Granted, if I were to do it again, I would go to D44 front and rear, but mostly because I would like deeper gearing.
In all honesty, I think that the D35 gets a worse reputation than it deserves. No, it is not the strongest or most reliable axle, but is not made out of glass either...
Jesse, to the original question, I would go with D44's if I were in your position. You can start with the rear and then swap out the front later on. Keep in mind the stock lug pattern on the D44 and D30 are different, though, so you will need to redrill the rear so that it accepts the same bolt pattern as the D30, or swap out both axles and change to the better pattern (and remeber to also change the spare! I've already seen people forget this only to remember it out the middle of nowhere!).
By the way, some more questions: what engine do you run? What kind of wheeling do you do? Rocks, mud, sand?