
I just tried to upload a bunch of pictures of jeeps with trailers, but every time I do it crashes on me. Stupid phone. Just google jeeps with trailers. You'll see.


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But maybe I can do it one at a time...
There's a few. Maybe that'll help with this madness you have started.


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I learned my lesson

Never talk down a jeep (or up the competition). I new as a child that jeep is the best there is, you all have reminded me that. But nough of this crappy mushy stuff I love that trailer!!! The white one that is! Give me give me give me!

land rovers are over rated. i used to repo cars and the only thing i thought was neat about a land rover was the LR3 would raise or lower itself depending on which 4wd setting you chose. they are a waste of money.

sweetpeet said:
I'll let you know next time I pull one out of a hole.

I second that. I have had to pull my wife's grandpa's h2 out of snow before. One day he will learn the error of his ways.
ScubaDude said:
Now does anybody know where I can get a good hummer?

A good cheap hummer well simple go to your local hobby shop buy a traxxas t-maxx or e-maxx then buy a hummer body for it and some paint to paint it and there you go
Don't sweat it dude, I've always like the defenders as well. We just bought my wife a 2008 LR3 and they can be had for a pretty decent price. I'm loving her truck and drive it every chance I get. It has everything a jeep doesn't which is bad and good I guess and is just as capable off road. Don't get me wrong, I love my Jeep and probably won't ever get rid of it even when I get a new daily driver but the LR3 is pretty bad a...
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gennybro said:
I've heard that you can get one if you hang out at certain parks,and there free.

Lolz. Part out!! Easy cash hahaha
I started off-roading in a Disco 1 (cheapest 4x4 on the market at the time). Plenty of power but your arms feel like you have been driving a tractor. The switch to Jeep was best thing thing (and the most fun) that I ever did

The Defender 90 has a certain appeal to but much in the same sense of me dressing up in my wife's clothes. Mmmm may be fun, but would I look the fool if my mates found out.

IFS axle not good for wheeling
Defender 90's are Solid front axle.

aside from the inherant electrical issues, poor fuel economy, and just oversized bulkiness of landrovers, they are actually very capabile vehicles. I wheel with a guy who has a early 90's discovery, 2" OME lift and 35" tsl's with lots of fender trimming, other than that, pretty much stock and he can't kill that thing. the body is just about junk from being so large, I think all the glass is now officially blown out too.

Me personally, I would look for an old Toyota landcruiser, it would have to be either a FJ40 or FJ45 with an austrilian spec diesel
also the defender was the only convertable land rover, the range and discovery's were solid roof, teh freelander was sort of a convertable, but it was just a re-badged Rav 4
Let me just be the first to say, that no matter which type of "hummer" you get, its gonna end up costing you WAY more than it really worth.