Computer bypass 2100 changeout

Yep. I'm off to my brothers house. Going to swap motors on my nephews pick up. Someone forgot to tighten the drain plug on the oil pan. I've actually forgotten what it's like to have a day off. Talk at you guys latter.
Alright gentleman, she purrs like a kitten. The culprit.......FOULED PLUGS. In the tuning, timing, backfiring stage of this swap. I fouled the plugs. I just replaced em and whaala. Nice and smooth. No hesitation. No bogging. I still have to figure out the fast idle issue but gronk will help with that. What a relief. Fellas, I want to thank you again for your help and hopefully the next time I start a thread, the max replies will be 8.

That's great man!!! I am dropping my "new" Carb in the dip tonight and picking up a kit tomorrow morning. So I should be good to go on Monday night or Tuesday morning
Congratulations bro. I think we all learned something. The level of patience was awesome. I had a ball. Thanks guys!

Man, I cannot believe it's done. 22 pages of work

Mine is on and running. I just have to hook up the linkage for the auto transmission
Very nice!!! Let me know if you had to make adjustments on the transmission linkage. Once mine was up and running nice, it seems as though it shifts fine. But would be curious as to what you had to do if any.
New motorcraft 2100. - $300
Hei dist. - $60
Countless post for help. - many hours


Nice work gentleman!!

will do on the auto transmission linkage stuff.

man, its going to be nice to be able to floor it and the tires break free again. that weber was so undersized.

just for info:

1.14 venturis
i didn;t check the jets so i will edit later
timing is at 8 so far

i got a 1.21 venturi carb from a buddy here in town that ran it on his yj. he said it ran fine but i couldn;t get it to run right. had a hunting idle and ran rich with 54 jets in it. so i swapped to this 1.14 carb that i got from an 82 bronco sunday. cleaned it up and its doing good but the test will be the cruise down the highway so i will let ya'll know later
new carb






idle in neutral

the only trouble i am having is an of idle bog. it acts like an accelerator pump but i am getting fuel so maybe the linkage is set too high.

what hole is ya'lls linkage set into? mine is on the top one.
And the award for best photo documentary goes too.......Superj haha lol. Mines on the top hole also. Don't like how it feels. I also used the pivot bracket from the weber. I see yours is direct to the carb. I'm going to try that. The way it is now, it snaps the throttle back to quickly.

Here's a picture of mine.


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what enrichment valve are you guys running? i have a single stage that says 58 or 85 on it, i think its running me too rich at cruising speeds. also, what accelerator pump are you guys running? 50 or 30 or what cc? i have a perfect idle, but i bet the jets are wrong. i have spare 54 jets and spare 42 jets but no 47 jets. i have a bog like the accelerator pump is bad (but its not) so i am going to move its linkage to the center hole and then i am going to cruise at 55mph and see what my vacuum is to see what enrichment valve i need. i am told what ever vacuum i am pulling at 55, i should lower the number two for a single stage enrichment valve or one for a dual stage enrichment valve. the accelerator pump, i still have to read about how to get that
Not sure about the power valve or accelerator pump size. The only specs. Mike includes are the jet sizes. Did you say it bogs off idle? Check your plugs! Lol just kidding.

Lmfao!!!!!!! Check ur f'ing plugs. Hahahaahaa

Seriously, mike has explained to me jet size is only varies due to elevation. I'm not a mechanic (as u all know) but I can't imagine that makes that much difference where ur located unless you live on the peak of a mountain. Check the stupid s**t first.