Computer bypass 2100 changeout

Maybe its running ok and he went on a long enjoyable drive. Hope its not the opposite.
i bet your right, on the accelerator pump. i read you have to use a 20 or 25, if i remember right

I talked to him, he said he adjusted the pump and it made it better but its still not right. Thinks its in the advance curve off idle, I would agree. I read up on the HEI today and most agreed that the HEI brings on the advance too fast. He's going to adjust the advance can, if that dont do it he may buy a recurve kit. keep the fingers crossed.

Bro. I can't even remember. So many post, so little time. Lol
I here ya!! 18 pages. He said he will post back on here with the results when he's done. He has a huge crack in the exhaust manifold but says it isnt leaking, I was thinking that might be part of the problem, but if its not leaking then???
Clean plate of info. Before this adventure the jeep ran fine. Dist and coil operated fine. Carb worked fine with the exception of stalling going over speed bumps. The occasional stall at a stop light but, that's a typical carters. Since I had time to have the jeep out of commission and had purchased the carb 18 months prior, I said, what the hell, and dove in. 350+ posts and three men helping my non mechanic rear end later, here we are today. Timed at 10*. 1 1/2 full turns out. A bit of a bog at acceleration. Working on adjusting dist vaccum. Will post soon

We will figure this out. Yeah that is a big crack in the eghaust manifold. I don't know how it doesn't leak. Stevey wonder can see that thing. Lol
Oh that exhaust leaks alright. I'm usuall stoned by the time I get to my destination. All I was saying is I didn't have the bog proble with old carb and dist. She leaks like hell.

Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't you swap carbs. and while you were doing the adjustments to try and get rid of the bogging, the old distributor slash module decided to $!/&@! The bed?

any diferances with the advance can yet? we are right with ya man, thinking and trying to figure this thing out.