Computer bypass 2100 changeout

your distributor is 180 out. pull it out and turn the crank one revolution and then put the distributor back in

What's the word? Hopefully it's not four letter words that start with F and S.
F and S. I turned it one rotation and lined it up with 0*. Made sure cylinder one's piston was all the way up. When I took my distrib cap off the rotor was pointing to seven o'clock. Removed and pointed rotor to the first cylindre and inserted again. She looked like she did in the picture Tightened everything up, double checked firing order, made sure all wires were on tight and nothing. Just crankity crank crank. She did crank a lot smoother than last time but nothing.
Process of elimination. Confirm twelve volts at distributor. Check for spark. Try adjusting distributor 1/2 inch turns in both directions.

Alright gents, I'm callin it a night. Getting frustrated and ****ed at the same time. I have 12v bit cannot check spark due to only having one set of hands here. Will get back to it tomorrow.
tomorrow morning, pull your number 1 plug and find tdc that way so you know your on the copmression stroke. since it is cranking easier, i bet you weren;t 180 out but only 30 or 40. i bet i messed you up on that one
you can jump the soleniod to turn the motor over, if no one is there to bump the key for you.

turn key to run and shut off all accessories. get your wire and screwdriver ready to check for spark. touch a screw driver across the two small posts on the solenoid on the fender wall. that will crank it over and, if your in time, start the jeep for you while you are in the engine bay. be careful and make sure your in park or neutral and the wheels are chocked though

or buy a push button from autozone for 20 bucks

Your piston comes up twice during one rotation of the motor. thats how you can end up 180* out, once on compresion strok and once on exhaust stroke. Put your finger over #1 spark plug hole as you Bring it to TDC, you will feel a big whoosh of air when you are on the compresion stroke. Stop as soom as you feel that whoosh, that should be it. Then put dist in. You can be 180* and still put the dist in the proper position where you #1 was and it wont start.
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the poping through the carb means way out of time. Did you pull the dist and turn the crand 360* as stated above?? That is for when you change timing chains and sprockets.. If you did that then your timing sprockets are now 180* out. bring things back to TDC and Take out dist and spin crank one more time 360*, put dist back in. If you turn the crank eirlier, your dist is put in correctly but your timing gears are now 180* out. You didn't change chains and sprocket when you started all of this did ya? If not, then do this and see if it starts.
If you are by yourself, you can loosen the spark plug about one turn mayb less and bring the engine around manually and you will hear the compressed air escaping between the threads of your plug. When you hear the air escaping look at your balancer and line the marks up to 0. then pull dist and rotate motor and put dist back in. "DONT USE THE KEY TO TURN THE MOTOR"
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Thanks for hangin in there with me. Have to tune the carb now. Still got a bog on throttle but she is set at 10* btdc and I am sure of that. I'm just thanking god she started. I don't know which one was cussin me out more, my starter, carb, or distrib. I gave them a workout.